| - Michael S. Piazza is an author and social justice advocate who currently serves as Dean of the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, Texas, as well as President of Hope for Peace and Justice, a non-profit organization aimed at progressive-leaning people of various religious faiths. A native of Georgia, Piazza has served in ministry for more than three decades, pastoring churches in Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. He holds a bachelor's degree in History from Valdosta State University in Georgia and a Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology, Emory University in Atlanta.
| - Michael S. Piazza is an author and social justice advocate who currently serves as Dean of the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, Texas, as well as President of Hope for Peace and Justice, a non-profit organization aimed at progressive-leaning people of various religious faiths. A native of Georgia, Piazza has served in ministry for more than three decades, pastoring churches in Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. He holds a bachelor's degree in History from Valdosta State University in Georgia and a Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology, Emory University in Atlanta. In August 1999, The Advocate magazine named Piazza one of the most influential people in the gay and lesbian rights movement. He has six published books: The Real AntiChrist: How America Sold its Soul, Queeries: Questions Lesbians and Gays have for God, Holy Homosexuals, Rainbow Family Values, Mourning to Morning and Growth or Death. His seventh book, Prophetic Renewal, is due in 2007. Piazza and his partner Bill have been together since 1980 and have two daughters.