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- Bonsai trees are created by going to your pet's garden and pulling a fully grown tree out of the ground. Doing this brings up three options to decide the fate of your tree. Select the "Make Bonsai" option, then choose they type of tree pot you would like. Bonsai pots may cost coins or Playfish Cash, there are no current ways of turning a tree into a bonsai for free. Once you have created your bonsai, you can place the item either in your chest or use it as decoration around your pet's home.
- A bonsai was a small plant that promoted longevity and intelligence.
- Bonsai, the Black Ninja is a Ninja minifigure introduced in 1998. He is the most common minifigure in the Ninja theme, although he was later surpassed in number of appearances by the Ninja from Ninjago.
- Bonsai is a Fallout Tactics perk.
- Bonsai (2006) is a movie created by Travis Lynn Mattick.
- Bonsai is an oriental art of stunting and shaping small trees. Bonsai makers often spend years making a miniature tree mirror its counterpart in nature's appearance.
- Bonsai - perk w Fallout Tactics. Powoduje on, że co pewien czas postać dostaje owoc. Spośród dostępnych rekrutów ten perk posiada wyłącznie Harold, co jest ewidentnym odniesieniem do Harolda z Fallout 2, któremu z głowy zaczęło wyrastać drzewko. Sam w sobie profit nie jest atrakcyjny, jednak w połączeniu z profitem Droga owocu ukazuje pełnię swojej wartości. Niemniej należy go raczej traktować w kategorii Easter egg'a aniżeli poważnego wsparcia postaci.
- Il Bonsai, dal giapponegro Bon= bono e Sai= sapere (ma in realtà nessuno ci capisce un cazzo su queste strane creature), è una forma di vita aliena approdata sulla terra, che mira alla conquista del mondo e la distruzione del genere umano, tramite una serie di alleanze e sofisticate tecniche di combattimento. La conquista di questi esseri è ampiamente contenuta dal maestro Miyagi che contrasta le loro tecniche con la potatura in piena estate e il micidiale colpo dell'airone.
- Bonsai was a rokugani art form using miniature trees grown in containers. The greatest bonsai trees were kept in the rooms of the greatest leaders, both spiritual and corporeal.
- thumb|Ein Bonsai-Bäumchen Bonsai bezeichnet die Aufzucht von Pflanzen in kleinen Gefäßen. Als Wesley Crusher 2370 die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) besucht, befindet sich in seinem Gästequartier ein Bonsai-Baum. (TNG: ) Keiko O'Brien kümmert sich über mehrere Jahre und Monate um ihre Bonsai-Bäumchen, die sie aus idranischen Hybriden züchtet. Erst als sie für fünf Tage Deep Space 9 verlässt und Doktor Julian Bashir die Bonsai-Bäumchen überwässert, sterben diese ab. (DS9: , )
- Bonsai first came into existence in 1901, in Hveragerði, a small Icelandic town. A group of Shiite Muslims livng in Hveragerði began to partake in the ritual of Bonsai. This ritual is said to bring oneself closer to Allah. So close, some participants have said, that you can touch the soul of Allah. Hveragerði
- File:Loudspeaker.svg Bonsai(help·info) (盆栽 Japanese) (lit. tray cultivation) is the art of growing trees, or woody plants shaped as trees, in containers. Bonsai is sometimes confused with dwarfing, but dwarfing more accurately refers to researching and creating cultivars of plant material that are permanent, genetic miniatures of existing species. Bonsai does not require genetically dwarfed trees, but rather depends on growing small trees from regular stock and seeds. Bonsai uses cultivation techniques like pruning, root reduction, potting, defoliation, and grafting to produce small trees that mimic the shape and style of mature, full-sized trees.
- The classroom aboard the USS Enterprise-D had several different bonsai trees. (TNG: "Reunion" ) Wesley Crusher had a bonsai tree in his guest quarters on board the Enterprise-D in 2370. (TNG: "Journey's End" ) In an alternate timeline, Captain Beverly Crusher kept a bonsai tree in her ready room aboard the USS Pasteur. (TNG: "All Good Things..." ) Keiko O'Brien had a number of bonsai trees in her quarters aboard Deep Space 9. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")
- The Bonsai is a premium decoration released on September 5, 2014 during the update. It is unlocked after Part 3 of the Bonsai Vivant questline. With the purchase of the Happy Sumo for 100 donuts the player not only unlocks Akira but a chance to obtain unlimited bonsai for free.