| - Sugar: I'm gonna be sure to wear my cheerleader's outfit and cheer you and your Pokémon on while you battle through round after round, Caber! Caber: (blushing) Gee, uh, that's nice, Sugar. Caber: (serious) Jordan Slabinsky. Amy: Um, Joel, I'm not exactly up on current events. Brynn: Neither am I. Who's this dude? Slab: (gruffly) Slab. Caber: This punk tried to travel with us back in Kanto, but he doesn't think girls have any business being Pokémon Trainers. Or Gym Leaders for that matter. Brynn: (insulted) He what?! (marches right up to Slab) Alright, bub, just who do you think you are?! Joel: Yeah.
| - Sugar: I'm gonna be sure to wear my cheerleader's outfit and cheer you and your Pokémon on while you battle through round after round, Caber! Caber: (blushing) Gee, uh, that's nice, Sugar. Caber: (serious) Jordan Slabinsky. Amy: Um, Joel, I'm not exactly up on current events. Brynn: Neither am I. Who's this dude? Slab: (gruffly) Slab. Caber: This punk tried to travel with us back in Kanto, but he doesn't think girls have any business being Pokémon Trainers. Or Gym Leaders for that matter. Brynn: (insulted) He what?! (marches right up to Slab) Alright, bub, just who do you think you are?! Brynn: (pulls him by his collar) Hey, I asked you a question, ya sexist punk! Now, answer it! Slab: (slaps Brynn's hands off) I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you. (pause) But I guess my time at the Silver Conference'll have a double purpose. Not only will I show I'm the best fighting-type trainer around, but I'll also get revenge on you, McToss. Others: Revenge? Joel: Dude, it doesn't have to be this way. Slab: Why would now be any different, nerd? Sugar, Polly, and Amy: (nervous) Oh my... Caber: Why are you here, Slabinsky? Slab: Why?! (points at Caber) Because you humiliated me! Ever since you showed me up with that Charmeleon of yours, I thought of nothing more than to get back at you. Caber: And it seems your opinion on girls hasn't changed. Sugar: Mm-hmm. Slab: Now it seems my chance for revenge'll come sooner than I thought. Better not lose before ya face me, McToss. (turns to leave) Brynn: That guy's got serious problems. Joel: Yeah. Polly: Looks like Caber's got 2 rivals, huh, Sugar? Sugar: Yep. Brynn, and Slab. Big Faye: Well, this certainly was unexpected. Caber: (pause) Well I don't care. I don't plan to lose. Brynn: Neither do I, man. I'll see you in the finals. Caber: Likewise. Polly: Wow! Now I can definitely see the difference between both Mega Charizards. Joel: Wow. Amazing how far Kingdra's come. Referee: Victory goes to Caber McToss of Blackthorn City. Sugar: Yaaaaay! Sugar: I'm so excited I could burst! (looks down at one of her party bombs) Or, at least, this could. (throws it) Sugar: Here's your PokéBlock, Rainbow. (tosses it to her) Rainbow: (feeling full) Teddi Ursa. (I'm so full.) (belches) Ursa. (Excuse me.) Sugar: Getting that recipe from your mom was a great idea, Caber. Caber: Eeyup.