| - As they were finding a cooperation with their new members inside the shadow magi's world with them into england, and finding how to finding the secrets about them selves, and how they met. (Flashback) Flaskback max : It's been along time , Agram. Agram: i need some of your deals, with This so called " The Sinned ones" So i may defeat magi nation, and rule the dreamlands. We will help you enhanced the void energy, making into a virus full of liquid/ airboune virus. With both smiling evilly. (flashback Ended ) Max : Well we have to deal with them , Don't we my new friend ?. Review now!.
| - As they were finding a cooperation with their new members inside the shadow magi's world with them into england, and finding how to finding the secrets about them selves, and how they met. (Flashback) Flaskback max : It's been along time , Agram. Agram: i need some of your deals, with This so called " The Sinned ones" So i may defeat magi nation, and rule the dreamlands. We will help you enhanced the void energy, making into a virus full of liquid/ airboune virus. With both smiling evilly. And if you see tony jones, edyn, orwin, strag, and those whom are helping them i want you to make them join our side. agram: well if we find out about these secrets , about worlds, and this new alliance, and new enemy that i feel all around me. (flashback Ended ) Max : Well we have to deal with them , Don't we my new friend ?. And revealing faces , chur, ashio, and rest of shadow magi assets whom are uniting themselves, rid tony jones. Destroy And Down With Final Dreamers H.A!. Review now!.