| - Akanseh was a male Mon Calamari doctor from the planet Dac. A philanthropist and accomplished surgeon, he wanted to use his skills to take medical care to the backwater planets of the galaxy. When the Galactic Empire invaded his homeworld, Akanseh fled and avoided becoming a slave. Hiding for several years, he built a fully automated surgical suite staffed by droids and set out to achieve his goals. Since the surgical suite could be broken down and stowed in the hold of a freighter, Akanseh used free-traders to transport the apparatus from world to world. While being ferried between planets, the freighter Akanseh had booked passage on was intercepted by an Interdictor cruiser. The doctor was taken to Moff Kentor Sarne, an Imperial warlord who ruled the Kathol sector. Sarne saw that Akanseh's talents and surgical suite would serve him well, and forced the Mon Calamari to work for him as an interrogator and torturer. Akanseh did his best to act humanely in this role, using persuasion and coercion to gain his subject's secrets without resorting to violence. Despite this, he still used more forceful methods on occasion. In 8 ABY, he was freed from his servitude to the Moff by Page's Commandos of the New Republic during the Battle of Kal'Shebbol. Moff Sarne had fled Kal'Shebbol with the bulk of his fleet, and the New Republic corvette FarStar had been assigned to track him down and neutralize any threat he posed. Akanseh signed onto the crew of the FarStar as chief medical officer, hoping to atone for his actions while in Sarne's service. Several months into the voyage, the vessel stopped at the planet Q'Maere in the Kathol Rift. The planet was the site of the Q'Maere Research Facility, a former scientific outpost that had been converted into a penal colony by Moff Sarne. Many of the inmates had been poorly and brutally treated, and Akanseh elected to stay behind at the outpost to care for them.