Dororan is a dwarven poet in love with Gudrun, the daughter of Gunnarsgrunn's Chieftain Gunthor. However, he does not believe that he stands a chance, as his strengths lie in words which have left him poor while the barbarians value strength, wealth and height. Despite his love of writing, he does not consider himself to be very good at it, having accidentally given bad advice to Jeffery and often has difficulty writing poems he considers to be worthwhile. He also lacks confidence to present his own work, preferring to let other actors do it for him.
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- Dororan
- Dororan
- Dororan
- Dororan
| - Dororan is a dwarven poet in love with Gudrun, the daughter of Gunnarsgrunn's Chieftain Gunthor. However, he does not believe that he stands a chance, as his strengths lie in words which have left him poor while the barbarians value strength, wealth and height. Despite his love of writing, he does not consider himself to be very good at it, having accidentally given bad advice to Jeffery and often has difficulty writing poems he considers to be worthwhile. He also lacks confidence to present his own work, preferring to let other actors do it for him.
- left Dororan on henkilö RuneScapessa. Hän esiintyy tehtävän Gunnar's Ground runoilija.Hän on tehtävän jälkeen talossa, jossa Julie oli Romeo ja Juliet-tehtävässä.Dororanilta voi ottaa tehtävän jälkeen crafting taskeja.
- left Dororan jest zleceniodawcą zadania Gunnar's Ground oraz jednym z jego głównych bohaterów. Przed ukończeniem misji znajduje się przed wschodnią bramą Gunnarsgrunn (Wioski Barbarzyńców). Krasnolud-poeta zakochany jest w Gudrun — córce przywódcy barbarzyńców. Po ukończeniu zadania przenosi się wspólnie z nią do wielkiego domu zamieszkiwanego wcześniej przez Phillipę, Juliet i Draula Leptoca. Gracz może zgłosić się do Dororana po dodatkowe zadania polegające na grawerowaniu biżuterii. Praca nad wszystkimi trzema przedmiotami zapewnia w sumie 32 000 pkt. doświadczenia w Crafting.
- Dororan is a dwarf located outside Gunnarsgrunn and the main character the Gunnar's Ground quest. He is in love with Gudrun, daughter of Chieftain Gunthor, but doesn't believe he can win her favour. Dororan is a poet and feels that a barbarian, famed for their love of warriors, will never love him. Upon completing Gunnar's Ground, Dororan will give away up to eleven pairs of swanky boots. The twelfth and subsequent pairs may be acquired in exchange for a ruby ring. He will also give away copies of Gunnar's Ground, the poem that was vital in the quest.
| - Sim - Território de Gunnar
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| - Wschodnia brama Gunnarsgrunn; po ukończeniu Gunnar's Ground — dom na zachód od Varrock
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| - *A dwarf in anguish.
*A dwarf in suspense.
- Przed zadaniem: A dwarf in anguish.
Po: A dwarf on top of the world.
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| - *Gunnarsgrunn
*Em uma grande casa ao oeste de Varrock.
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| - After Gunnar's Ground.
- During Gunnar's Ground
| - Poeta, zakochany w Gudrun.
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| - left Dororan on henkilö RuneScapessa. Hän esiintyy tehtävän Gunnar's Ground runoilija.Hän on tehtävän jälkeen talossa, jossa Julie oli Romeo ja Juliet-tehtävässä.Dororanilta voi ottaa tehtävän jälkeen crafting taskeja. Jos menee puhumaan Gudrunin kansaa niin turha kysyä miten he saivat tämän talon, nimittäin talon omistaja antoi tämän talon Chieftain Gunthorille, tehtävässä Gunnar's Ground lopussa näkee Gunthorin valitsevan sen että tyttärensä saa mennä naimisiin Dororanin kanssa, ja kun menet taloon missä Dororan ja Gudrun asuu, voit tehdä Dororanille crafting taskeja, teksti ensimmäiseen koruun on 'With Beauty Blessed' mutta jos sinulla on crafting jotain 5-15 niin alappa kehittää sitten craftingia sillä tarvitset Crafting tason 42!! Luokka:Henkilöt Luokka:NPC en:Dororan
- Dororan is a dwarven poet in love with Gudrun, the daughter of Gunnarsgrunn's Chieftain Gunthor. However, he does not believe that he stands a chance, as his strengths lie in words which have left him poor while the barbarians value strength, wealth and height. Despite his love of writing, he does not consider himself to be very good at it, having accidentally given bad advice to Jeffery and often has difficulty writing poems he considers to be worthwhile. He also lacks confidence to present his own work, preferring to let other actors do it for him. During his attempt to woo Gudrun, he enlists the help of a passing adventurer to help him by obtaining and delivering an engraved ring to Gudrun. When he learns of her father's attitude, he attempts to come up with a poem to convince Gunthor to change his views. However, he struggles and relies on the adventurer to help him write the poem then convince Gudrun to read it. Upon hearing the poem, Gunthor laughs, declaring the village a settlement and making Dororan the village's poet. They move into the Leptoc manor together, south of the Grand Exchange in Varrock. He also offers the adventurer up to 11 pairs of swanky boots, requiring a ruby ring for any further pairs. He also gives away copies of Gunnar's Ground, his poem that convinced Gunthor to change his mind. Afterwards, Dororan will request the player's aid in engraving a ruby bracelet, dragonstone necklace and onyx amulet, requiring levels 42, 72 and 90 Crafting respectively. This awards a total of 32,000 Crafting experience. He will provide all the necessary jewellery.
- left Dororan jest zleceniodawcą zadania Gunnar's Ground oraz jednym z jego głównych bohaterów. Przed ukończeniem misji znajduje się przed wschodnią bramą Gunnarsgrunn (Wioski Barbarzyńców). Krasnolud-poeta zakochany jest w Gudrun — córce przywódcy barbarzyńców. Po ukończeniu zadania przenosi się wspólnie z nią do wielkiego domu zamieszkiwanego wcześniej przez Phillipę, Juliet i Draula Leptoca. Gracz może zgłosić się do Dororana po dodatkowe zadania polegające na grawerowaniu biżuterii. Praca nad wszystkimi trzema przedmiotami zapewnia w sumie 32 000 pkt. doświadczenia w Crafting.
* Rubinowa bransoleta wymaga 42 poziomu Crafting i daje 2 000 punktów doświadczenia.
* Amulet ze smoczego kamienia wymaga 72 poziomu Crafting i daje 10 000 punktów doświadczenia.
* Onyksowy amulet wymaga 90 poziomu Crafting i daje 20 000 punktów doświadczenia.
- Dororan is a dwarf located outside Gunnarsgrunn and the main character the Gunnar's Ground quest. He is in love with Gudrun, daughter of Chieftain Gunthor, but doesn't believe he can win her favour. Dororan is a poet and feels that a barbarian, famed for their love of warriors, will never love him. Upon completing Gunnar's Ground, Dororan will give away up to eleven pairs of swanky boots. The twelfth and subsequent pairs may be acquired in exchange for a ruby ring. He will also give away copies of Gunnar's Ground, the poem that was vital in the quest. Once the quest is completed, Dororan may be found in a large house east of Gunnarsgrunn, across the river. This is the house where Phillipa, Juliet and Draul Leptoc once lived.