| - Deniz ist zuversichtlich, dass seine Geschäftsidee fruchten wird, und lässt sich auch von Romans Skepsis nicht beeinflussen. Als Richard auch noch sein Konzept lobt, ist Deniz nicht mehr zu bremsen. Doch schnell muss Deniz feststellen, dass die Beschaffung des Startkapitals ein Problem ist. Die einzige Lösung wäre eine Hypothek auf die Wohnung. Ben geht Meyerhoffs Aussage nicht aus dem Kopf. Er beäugt Meyerhoff kritisch und ist in Sorge um Katja. Vorsichtig versucht er, Lena auszufragen. Katja stellt Ben zur Rede und macht ihm klar, dass ihn ihr Leben nichts angeht. Als Ben ihr seine Skepsis gegenüber Meyerhoff klarmacht, ist Katja jedoch irritiert. Franziska ist alarmiert, als Florian sich ihr gegenüber seltsam verhält. Sie besucht daraufhin Florian spontan und ist misstrauisch, als er si
- Quentin returns to Collinwood to find Daphne in the drawing room, and he accuses her of being Joanna's sister. Daphne initially tries to deny everything, but finally admits to being Joanna's sister after Quentin threatens to kick her out of Collinwood forever. Furthermore, Daphne confesses that she came to Collinwood for the sole purpose of killing Quentin, because she feels he caused Joanna's death. Quentin fires back, saying he also was madly in love with Joanna, but Samantha refused to grant him a divorce. However, Daphne claims she has nothing to do with the letters that he has been finding in the drawing room. She soon realizes that Quentin has been feeling tormented over Joanna and hugs him, only to be interrupted by Gabriel.
| - Deniz ist zuversichtlich, dass seine Geschäftsidee fruchten wird, und lässt sich auch von Romans Skepsis nicht beeinflussen. Als Richard auch noch sein Konzept lobt, ist Deniz nicht mehr zu bremsen. Doch schnell muss Deniz feststellen, dass die Beschaffung des Startkapitals ein Problem ist. Die einzige Lösung wäre eine Hypothek auf die Wohnung. Ben geht Meyerhoffs Aussage nicht aus dem Kopf. Er beäugt Meyerhoff kritisch und ist in Sorge um Katja. Vorsichtig versucht er, Lena auszufragen. Katja stellt Ben zur Rede und macht ihm klar, dass ihn ihr Leben nichts angeht. Als Ben ihr seine Skepsis gegenüber Meyerhoff klarmacht, ist Katja jedoch irritiert. Franziska ist alarmiert, als Florian sich ihr gegenüber seltsam verhält. Sie besucht daraufhin Florian spontan und ist misstrauisch, als er sie eilig abwimmelt. Sie legt sich auf die Lauer und ist geschockt, als sie sieht, dass Florian Besuch von einer schönen Unbekannten bekommt.
- Quentin returns to Collinwood to find Daphne in the drawing room, and he accuses her of being Joanna's sister. Daphne initially tries to deny everything, but finally admits to being Joanna's sister after Quentin threatens to kick her out of Collinwood forever. Furthermore, Daphne confesses that she came to Collinwood for the sole purpose of killing Quentin, because she feels he caused Joanna's death. Quentin fires back, saying he also was madly in love with Joanna, but Samantha refused to grant him a divorce. However, Daphne claims she has nothing to do with the letters that he has been finding in the drawing room. She soon realizes that Quentin has been feeling tormented over Joanna and hugs him, only to be interrupted by Gabriel. Quentin tells Gabriel he was only "comforting" Daphne, but Gabriel doesn't believe him and knows something is going on between them. Gabriel starts asking him questions about Joanna, which surprises Quentin because he wasn't aware that Gabriel knew about her death. Quentin asks if he knows anything about letters that have mysteriously been showing up at Collinwood. Gabriel doesn't know anything about them, and adds to the list of mysteries at Collinwood that also includes what happened to Julia. In the lighthouse, Julia is greeted by Laszlo, the gypsy servant of Angelique. He tells her Roxanne is away at the moment, so she is safe. Laszlo shows her a cross, and Julia begs him to give it to her. He demands $1,000 in exchange for the cross. Julia tells him to go find Barnabas at the Old House for the money, but Laszlo was only lying and Julia passes out. Laszlo steals Julia's ring and leaves. At Collinwood, Barnabas gazes out the drawing room window as dogs howl from the woods. He is deeply worried about Julia, and Gabriel's attempts to make him feel better go by the wayside. Barnabas fears she will be dead when he finds her. He leaves to go search the woods with the police, and Daphne walks in. The two immediately begin arguing over Quentin and she attempts to leave, but Gabriel starts talking about Quentin's involvement with the black arts and the occult. He attempts to cast suspicion and wonders if she has had any weird dreams lately. She hesitates, which confirms Gabriel's suspicions. Daphne gets angry and finally leaves as Gabriel continues to shout that Quentin might be a warlock. Meanwhile, an unknown figure breaks into the Old House. It's Laszlo, who is searching for Angelique, but he is instead caught by Barnabas. Laszlo, visibly nervous, tries to lie his way out of his predicament, but Barnabas doesn't believe a word he says. The two begin to argue, and Barnabas notices Julia's ring and demands to know where she is. Back at Collinwood, Quentin tries to apologize for all that has happened between them the past few days, but Daphne says it is best that they just remain friends because she knows he is still in love with Quentin. Just then, Daphne sees a letter on the table from Joanna that is addressed to her, and not Quentin. Daphne can't bring herself to read it, so Quentin does instead. In the letter, Joanna tells Daphne that she must not worry about the past and make her own choices, but not to make mistakes like she did. Daphne runs out of the room in tears. Elsewhere, Barnabas arrives at the abandoned lighthouse and finds Julia on the brink of death.