Magical Princess Minky Momo(魔法のプリンセス ミンキー モモMahō no Purinsesu Minkī Momo), also known as Magical Princess Gigi or Gigi (France) or Benvenuta Gigi (Welcome Gigi, first anime) and Tanto tempo fa...Gigi (Once upon a time...Gigi, second anime) in Italy, is the title of two different magical-girl anime. The first Momo, often called Sora Momo ("Sky Momo"), aired from 1982. The second Momo, often called Umi Momo ("Sea Momo"), aired from 1991. They are the first and the third magical-girl anime created by Ashi Productions, respectively. Each of the two Momos consists of two parts.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Magical Princess Minky Momo
| - Magical Princess Minky Momo(魔法のプリンセス ミンキー モモMahō no Purinsesu Minkī Momo), also known as Magical Princess Gigi or Gigi (France) or Benvenuta Gigi (Welcome Gigi, first anime) and Tanto tempo fa...Gigi (Once upon a time...Gigi, second anime) in Italy, is the title of two different magical-girl anime. The first Momo, often called Sora Momo ("Sky Momo"), aired from 1982. The second Momo, often called Umi Momo ("Sea Momo"), aired from 1991. They are the first and the third magical-girl anime created by Ashi Productions, respectively. Each of the two Momos consists of two parts.
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| - 1983-05-26(xsd:date)
- 1992-12-23(xsd:date)
ja kanji
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| - Magical Princess Minky Momo
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| - 1982-03-18(xsd:date)
- 1991-10-02(xsd:date)
| - Magical Princess Minky Momo Hitomi no Seiza Minky Momo SONG Special
- Magical Princess Minky Momo Hold on to Your Dreams
- Magical Princess Minky Momo La Ronde in my Dream
- Minky Momo The Bridge Over Dreams
- Minky Momo The Station of Your Memories
ja romaji
| - Mahō no Purinsesu Minkī Momo
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| - 62(xsd:integer)
- 63(xsd:integer)
| - 1985-07-28(xsd:date)
- 1987-01-21(xsd:date)
- 1993-05-23(xsd:date)
- 1994-06-22(xsd:date)
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network other
| - Canal Panda
- TF1
- Rete 4, Italia 1
| - Magical Princess Minky Momo(魔法のプリンセス ミンキー モモMahō no Purinsesu Minkī Momo), also known as Magical Princess Gigi or Gigi (France) or Benvenuta Gigi (Welcome Gigi, first anime) and Tanto tempo fa...Gigi (Once upon a time...Gigi, second anime) in Italy, is the title of two different magical-girl anime. The first Momo, often called Sora Momo ("Sky Momo"), aired from 1982. The second Momo, often called Umi Momo ("Sea Momo"), aired from 1991. They are the first and the third magical-girl anime created by Ashi Productions, respectively. Each of the two Momos consists of two parts. Two Momos share the same title, except that the official title of the second part of the second Momo is Magical Princess Minky Momo: Embracing the Dream(魔法のプリンセス ミンキー モモ: 夢を抱きしめてMahō no Purinsesu Minkī Momo: Yume o Dakishimete). The protagonist is a magical girl called Minky Momo in both Momos, but they are different persons. (Umi Momo is not a sequel of Sora Momo in an ordinary sense.) Four OVAs have been released so far: Magical Princess Minky Momo: Yume no naka no Rondo (1985), Magical Princess Minky Momo: Hitomi no Seiza (1987), Minky Momo: Yume ni Kakeru Hashi (1993) and Minky Momo: Tabidachi no Eki (1994). The latter two were not called Magical Princess Minky Momo: ... but just called Minky Momo: ... (She is not a magical girl anymore in those stories.) Currently the third Momo exists only as manga (Miracle Dream Minky Momo). It is not yet decided but it is possible that there will be the third Momo anime. Takeshi Shudo himself is already talking about how the third Momo should be. Despite the series' popularity in Japan, in Europe and in Latin America, only the 1985 OVA Yume no naka no Rondo has been released in the United States, in an English dub produced by Harmony Gold and released by Celebrity Home Entertainment, titled Gigi and the Fountain of Youth. Rebecca Forstadt (under the pseudonym Reba West) played Gigi (Momo) in this dub. Like most English language anime during its time, the dub version was heavily edited, with an altered plot, rewritten dialogue, and a changed soundtrack (all of the original Japanese vocal songs were replaced with new English songs). While it would be a stretch to compare Minky Momo to the Momotarō of Japanese folklore, it is interesting to note that Momotarō also had, as companions, a bird, a monkey and a dog. The choice of name and companions was almost undoubtably a deliberate reference to Momotarō. "Momo", incidentally, means "Peach".
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