| - Gyro lived a roughly normal life until his late childhood, upon which he was trained in the arts of the Spin by his father Gregorio Zeppeli. The Zeppelis being renowned doctors as well as servants of the King of Naples, Gyro lived in certain comfort. At age thirteen, Gyro began his training as a royal executioner in secret. At the same time, he was an apprentice surgeon for the family. In his late teens, Gyro was to become the next royal executioner as well as a surgeon, following his father in both aspects.
| - Gyro lived a roughly normal life until his late childhood, upon which he was trained in the arts of the Spin by his father Gregorio Zeppeli. The Zeppelis being renowned doctors as well as servants of the King of Naples, Gyro lived in certain comfort. At age thirteen, Gyro began his training as a royal executioner in secret. At the same time, he was an apprentice surgeon for the family. In his late teens, Gyro was to become the next royal executioner as well as a surgeon, following his father in both aspects. One day, one woman scheduled for execution became violent and almost killed an executioner. During the struggle, Gyro lost his collar hanger. When he found it again, it was in the hands of a little boy named Marco who was found guilty of treason because he served a traitorous lord. Disturbed by the false charges as well as the fact that Marco was his first execution, Gyro asked for Marco's appeal. Unfortunately, his efforts were vain, but a lord of Naples explained to him that the king would give amnesty to political criminals if the country suddenly gained prestige, such as winning a famous horse race. Thus, against his father's wishes, Gyro subscribed to the Steel Ball Run race.