| - A common demonstration of One-Dimensional Thinking. Reacting to someone a few feet away from you drawing a handgun by running away, in a straight line, out in the open, without taking cover. Contrary to what these characters seem to believe, this does not allow you to outrun bullets. At five yards or less it's better to duck, swoop in, grab their gun wrist, and push it up, since you actually going in is often the last thing your attacker expects. That way if they fire, it won't be at you. Not to be confused with Do Not Run with a Gun. Examples of Slower Than a Speeding Bullet include:
| - A common demonstration of One-Dimensional Thinking. Reacting to someone a few feet away from you drawing a handgun by running away, in a straight line, out in the open, without taking cover. Contrary to what these characters seem to believe, this does not allow you to outrun bullets. At five yards or less it's better to duck, swoop in, grab their gun wrist, and push it up, since you actually going in is often the last thing your attacker expects. That way if they fire, it won't be at you. That being said, running away isn't always a bad idea. The effective range of a handgun, in the hands of a poorly trained fighter, is less than ten yards. A lot of urban criminals have never been to a firing range, and barely know how to fire their weapons. Competent shooters may simply choose not to shoot someone who's running away (it's hard to plead self-defense for shooting someone in the back). In fact most survival guides recommend that if someone attempts to force you into a car with a gun, run away. (In a straight line is not compulsory.) If they're willing to shoot at you when you run away, they were probably going to kill you anyway. Not to be confused with Do Not Run with a Gun. Examples of Slower Than a Speeding Bullet include: