| - A common indulgence of the Horror movie is the Gypsy Curse laid down by the stereotypical Roma (often an old woman). These curses come as a unique brand. They'll be done out of vengeance (usually to be seen as a Disproportionate Retribution, at least from the victim's point of view) but also as some Laser-Guided Karma that's being used as a morality tale. Hey kids, don't do that nasty deed because otherwise, one day, you might do it to someone who'll go totally apeshit and curse you! On the other hand, even when being used for that Space Whale Aesop, there seems to be a law of conservation of Gypsy Curses. The cursed person will find properly getting rid of the curse impossible but there will be some rule that allows them to transfer the curse onto somebody else like it's a forged banknote. As soon as the character finds this out, expect to have the next scene full of the most adorable, innocent looking people in the world. This is all part and parcel of the crazy, traditionalist, demonic disingenuation of the Roma portraying them as revenge focused, not justice focused, uncaring of collateral damage and inspiring selfishness in others. (I.e., it's kinda racist.) It doesn't help that they're often Karma Houdinis, escaping any repercussion for their actions... or even benefiting! Also, don't ask about why these Romani slinging out curses are always portrayed as impoverished and homeless despite possessing amazing magical powers. Sub-Trope of Curse. Examples: