The Avians evolved on Xindus along with the other species of Xindi and it was said that their numbers once darkened the skies. When beings that called themselves "the Guardians" visited them, the Avians were the only Xindi species that did not believe the Guardians' stories. They saw these so called Guardians as nothing but wingless aliens, not gods. At the end of the century long war among the species of Xindi, the Avians were obliterated into extinction when their planet was destroyed, since they did not have sufficient technology to evacuate their homeworld. (ENT episodes: "The Shipment", "The Council"; ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)
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- Xindi-Avian
- Xindi-Avian
| - The Avians evolved on Xindus along with the other species of Xindi and it was said that their numbers once darkened the skies. When beings that called themselves "the Guardians" visited them, the Avians were the only Xindi species that did not believe the Guardians' stories. They saw these so called Guardians as nothing but wingless aliens, not gods. At the end of the century long war among the species of Xindi, the Avians were obliterated into extinction when their planet was destroyed, since they did not have sufficient technology to evacuate their homeworld. (ENT episodes: "The Shipment", "The Council"; ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)
- The Xindi-Avian species was an extinct member of the Xindi race, wiped out during a series of civil wars which was fought between the six Xindi species and which destroyed their homeworld, sometime in the 2030s. As far as known, none of the Avians fled before their homeworld was destroyed. An ultimately excised line of dialogue from the final draft script of "The Council" would have established that the Avians had numerous outposts and that the Avian stronghold used for the Council chamber was one of these.
- Ze werden ergens in de 2030s tijdens een conflict tussen de zes Xindi rassen op hun thuiswereld uitgeroeid. De Reptilians en de Insectoids brachten wapens tot ontploffing onder de acht grootste seismische scheuren van de planeet, waardoor de planeet geologisch onstabiel werd. Terwijl de vijf andere rassen wisten te ontsnappen, werden de Avians uitgeroeid. De Avians hadden geen middel om te kunnen ontsnappen, omdat ze technologisch gezien nogal primitief waren. De Xindi-Avian schedel uit "The Council" heeft veel weg van een Aardse giraf. Categorie:Rassen
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| - The Xindi-Avian species was an extinct member of the Xindi race, wiped out during a series of civil wars which was fought between the six Xindi species and which destroyed their homeworld, sometime in the 2030s. As far as known, none of the Avians fled before their homeworld was destroyed. Gralik Durr's grandfather, who had resided on Xindus, remembered a time before the planet's destruction when Avians occasionally flocked overhead, filling the sky. (ENT: "The Shipment") A Xindi-Reptilian lieutenant once speculated that, if the Guardians had given the Reptilians dominance over the other Xindi species prior to the wars, their "Avian brothers would still fill the skies." (ENT: "Zero Hour") The remains of an Avian settlement were found on a planet that dated back to the 2nd millennium BC. The ruins of the settlement were used for the meeting place of the Xindi Council. A skull of an Avian was kept at the Council's location. Commander Dolim commented that the Council chamber had "the stench of the Avians' failure to survive." (ENT: "The Council") An ultimately excised line of dialogue from the final draft script of "The Council" would have established that the Avians had numerous outposts and that the Avian stronghold used for the Council chamber was one of these.
- The Avians evolved on Xindus along with the other species of Xindi and it was said that their numbers once darkened the skies. When beings that called themselves "the Guardians" visited them, the Avians were the only Xindi species that did not believe the Guardians' stories. They saw these so called Guardians as nothing but wingless aliens, not gods. At the end of the century long war among the species of Xindi, the Avians were obliterated into extinction when their planet was destroyed, since they did not have sufficient technology to evacuate their homeworld. (ENT episodes: "The Shipment", "The Council"; ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)
- Ze werden ergens in de 2030s tijdens een conflict tussen de zes Xindi rassen op hun thuiswereld uitgeroeid. De Reptilians en de Insectoids brachten wapens tot ontploffing onder de acht grootste seismische scheuren van de planeet, waardoor de planeet geologisch onstabiel werd. Terwijl de vijf andere rassen wisten te ontsnappen, werden de Avians uitgeroeid. De Avians hadden geen middel om te kunnen ontsnappen, omdat ze technologisch gezien nogal primitief waren. De grootvader van Gralik Durr had nog op Xindus gewoond en herinnerde zich de tijd dat de Avians met wapperende vleugels de lucht vulden. (ENT: "The Shipment") Vreemd genoeg werden de restanten van een Avian nederzetting gevonden op een planeet. De restanten dateerden uit het 2e millennium. De ruïnes van de nederzetting werden gebruikt als een ontmoetingsplaats voor de Xindi raad. Op de locatie van de raad werd een schedel van een Avian bewaard. Commandant Dolim merkte eens op dat de raadskamer "de stank van het Avian falen tot overleven" met zich meedroeg. (ENT: "The Council") De Xindi-Avian schedel uit "The Council" heeft veel weg van een Aardse giraf. Categorie:Rassen