| - The sun shown brightly on this wonderful day in Ryūseigakure, the gears were whirring and the people flew by on various machines. Makaze turned away from the window he was staring out and sat at his desk. He was meeting with the Eikage today and was quite exited. He hadn't seen her ever since their meeting a year ago. He had been so busy with his work that he hadn't even been able to check the news on their town. He secretly hoped to see Akākato as well since they had had so much fun last time. Makaze though they kinda connected. He sighed as he sat in his chair, awaiting her arrival. Warm air greeted the young Eikage and her bodyguards as their ship docked in the warm waters. Ahead of them lie the magnificent city of Ryūseigakure, alight with the sites and sounds of various machinery. Her Eikage hat strapped to her right shoulder, Akā grinned. It had been a month since Kemuri had selected her as the successor and the council with the Daimyō approved her decision. Her grin grew wider as she remembered the amount of arguing that ensued as the council talked of her reckless and spontaneous attitude when it came to handling various situations. "Let's go," Akā said as she and her bodyguards approached the gate of the village before being let through by the people escorting them to the Ryūseikage's office. She paused once they had reached the building itself, staring at its size before walking in. From there it was a short hallway and then the Kage's office beckoned. Smiling once more while her guards followed behind in an exasperated manner, Akā burst through the door, not caring about the entrance she made. "Hey Makaze-kun," she stated as her guards caught up. Makaze actually fell out of his chair in surprise. As he regained his footing he saw the beautiful red hair woman he had had so much fun with standing before him dressed in the robes of the Eikage. After a few more moments he vaulted over his desk and embraced her in a hug. "Akākato your the Eikage, congratulations! How are you?" He spoke as he let go of her and motioned for both their guards to leave and give them privacy. He then sat in his chair and pulled up a chair for her on the other side of the desk. Akā's grin grew as she hugged Makaze back. She had missed him after that enjoyable night. He seemed to be all in order. "Thank you! I'm doing well, being the Eikage is pretty awesome," Dismissing her guards, she sat down in the chair Makaze provided. "So what have you been up to brain fart?" Akā asked, using her nickname for Makaze. With ease, they fell back into old patterns, their titles as leaders of their respective villages melting away. It would be interesting to hear what he had been up to, and whether his council harried him as much as hers did. Makaze laughed at her antics. "Still using that name I see." He replied in a mildly amused tone. "Well for your information this brain fart has been conducting teleportation experiments. I'm about to finally have teleportation for anyone who needs it. No longer for only strong willed or those who can handle the space fluctuations, but for all." He triumphantly replied. "I also have been taking cooking lessons from my bro and we currently have some guests over." He finished before awaiting any questions she had about his life. "Nice, apparently your brain doesn't fart all of the time," Aka teased before growing serious. "So you managed to crack the formula on teleportation....interesting," At that point she thought of a question. "Wait, your brothers are here? Do you mind if we meet them? I'm a bit curious as to how they are, considering you labeled them as two levels of crazy the last time we talked about them," Aka said, thinking about how they would greet her appearance. "Before we go though, what's shall we discuss? In the name of business/alliances anyways," Aka pondered offhandedly, "to think that you would be working on cooking lessons though...are you trying to sweep someone of their feet with some rad chef skills?" At this Aka smiled once more before settling into her chair. Makaze laughed again. "Of course you can meet them. Since the only thing that we could remotely discuss is the teleportation but I need to finish that first." He spoke with a sigh as he quickly scribbled something in his notepad. He then began rummaging in his desk until he pulled out a tray of wrapped cookies. He unwrapped one and tossed it to her. "You be the judge of it's feet sweeping level." He spoke with a smile before placing his hand on her shoulder and warping the both of them to his home. They appeared in a small room that seemed to be an entryway. It's walls were a calming cedar and the floors were lush purple carpeting. As he led her through the house their were glimpses of various rooms and things. As they finally reached a large arch Makaze pulled her through into a large kitchen. There was just about every appliance you could imagine sitting across the counters. A tall man with brown hair and blue eyeswas slicing various vegetables with his scythe. He was dressed in a black cloak and an apron that said "Worship the Cook" in a bloody scrawl. A ways away there was a large roundtable, seated in one chair was another tall man. This man was dressed in a very fine yellow suit, and wore a top hat and an eyepatch over his right eye. His hair was yellow and his one showing eye was black. He was using a tennis racket the hit a puppy over a miniature volleyball net placed on the table. At the other end a floating tennis racket returned his serves. Makaze sighed before speaking up. "Hey guys this is Akākato." He nudged her with his elbow. "Go on talk to them, one of them won't bite." Aka bit into the cookie before being transported, sweetness and a sugary texture burst into her mouth. It was quite good, possibly one of the best cookies that she ever had. Before she knew it, they within a house, most likely Makaze's. She was about to make a comment teasing Makaze's carnal desires when he led her into the kitchen. It was the guy in the apron that caught her attention first, not for his size, but rather the kitchenware he was using, namely a scythe. "Who knew that scythes were good for cutting vegetables..." Aka thought wryly. The bloody scrawl didn't help matters. Despite the deliciousness of the food she had just ate, the method in which the cook was cutting the food made her a little queasy. She then turned her attention to the man hitting the puppy back and forth. Whether it was the puppy or his appearance, something about the second man seemed......off. Aka decided she would try her luck with the guy busy cooking, finding him less harmless, for the moment at least. "Hey," she said as she approached the scythe bearing cook, "the name's Akākato Uzumaki, though you can just call me Aka for short. Do you mind if I ask what you are cooking?" Pulling up a chair, she watched him continue to chop vegetables with frightening accuracy, though it could be the scythe that added the more frightening portion. The man turned to her. "Ahh yes Akākato. No need for introductions, I probably know more about you than you do. Well I do about everyone I suppose." He laughed to himself before realizing how creepy he has just been. "Sorry to come off so creepy like that. My names Kaminoshi. I'm one of Makaze's quote on quote brothers and the god of death. I'm also the best cook to ever exist." He continued to toss vegetables before finally sling them all almost invisible pieces. He then motioned towards the oven with his hand and three loaves of bread came flying out. He quickly sliced them apart and embedded the vegetable savings within. "This is called Healthy garlic bread. It tastes like garlic bread but is actually more vegetable than bread. It is essentially like eating one of every vegetable per piece." He spoke while smiling. He then tosses the bread onto the table but saved one piece and handed it to her. "Try it." "It's fine," Aka said while thinking internally, "A death god that cooks...now I've seen everything," A thought popped in her head, "Wait, I remember Kemuri mentioning about meeting you in the past, back when she went on her journey of sorts." When Kami handed a piece of the food he had just described, she hesitated slightly, before biting into the bread. As expected, it was delicious, the garlic bread's flavor coating her mouth. "Where did you learn to become such a good cook, Sir Death?" Aka said between mouthfuls, satisfied that she had come up with a nickname for the man standing across from her with his scythe. Now that she thought about it, hopefully he had a good sense of humor, otherwise that nickname could literally be the "death" of her. "So who's the creepy guy over there playing pingpong with the puppy?" Aka asked Kami as he continued to buzz around the kitchen. Kaminoshi laughed at her little nickname. "Funny but please refer to me as Kami or Kaminsohi." He smiled before continuing to answer her machine-gun of questions. " Ahh Kemuri yes, I witnessed her daughters well....creation I suppose you could say. Those idiots sure know how to ruin a good book." As he grumbled he realized he had gone off topic. "Sorry about that, anyway I have been cooking since time began. Anything you've ever eaten is because of me. I am glad you like the bread though I just thought it up actually." He then sighed before answering her final question."That man at the table is name Genei. Makaze brought him here from another reality or something by accident and we kinda adopted him." Just them Genei jumped from the table while gracefully decapitating the puppy in midair. He landed on the other side of kitchen and flung open the the pantry. He then proceeded to fill it with as many boxes of lucky charms as it could hold. The boxes seemed to appear out of nowhere. He walked up to Akākato. "You rang the doorbell above my name? What is it that you require Daft Punk?" He spoke in a very upbeat and malicious voice. Aka was speechless at Kami's revelation. "Wait...you were in the room while it happened? Kemuri never mentioned that detail..Oh my gosh. Were you spying on them? Like isn't that an invasion of privacy?" She stared as Genei decapitated the puppy, then filled the pantry with Lucky Charms, noting just how creepy that dude was. His offputting attitude came into effect as soon as he opened his mouth. It ticked Akākato off tremendously, and here she had spent so much practice on controlling her temper. "Do you have a problem?" Aka asked, standing up before staring up at Genei, having caught the malicious intentions in his voice. Her body began to glow dangerously as her temper started to flare up. While she had no problems with Kami, Aka had the feeling that her and Genei might not get along so well. Her eyes became a fiery gold as her caught fire as her body became flame incarnate. "So much for a quiet meet and greet," she thought exasperated. "Cute but I feel your color is less red and more......hmmmm probably red I think. No No Maybe blue or pink. Hmmm Well regardless of this eternal paradoxical entanglement I dislike that fire." He spoke in scattered words as with a wave of his hand the flames around Akākato disappeared along with all control of her chakra. "Well Well Well." Gene mused looked at the powerless Akākato. "I think I win this game of chutes and ladders." He spoke as he floated back to his chair. Aka was incredulous as her flames disappeared in their entirety, as well as her chakra control. When she tried to return them, they remained nonexistent. At that point in her anger materialized, as she ran towards Gene, aiming a powerful uppercut towards Gene's chin. "You masochistic bastard," Aka snarled, profanity slipping out of her tongue as the nature of what Gene had done dawned on her, serving to only infuriate her further. It was then that the flames reappeared once more, though they weren't chakra based in their nature instead being composed of her fiery will. They disappeared once more however as Aka focused all of her energy and willpower on making that uppercut materialize. It was only then that Kaminoshi stepped between the both of them Stopping Akākato's hand with one hand and grabbing Genei by his skull with the other. "I'm terribly sorry Aka, normally we keep Genei in a cage when guests come over. However someone." He glared at Makaze."Forgot to tell us we were having guests."He spoke in a polite tone. He then repeatedly slammed Genei into the ground by his skull. After around 50 slams he looked into his eyes menacingly. "Undo it now or I'm using THAT again." He yelled at Genei. Gene immediately understood and waved his hands once again. Akākato would feel all of her power returning to her. Kaminoshi then snapped his fingers, making Genei disappear. "I'm terribly sorry about this Aka." He spoke as he walked to the table and sat. Makaze walked back into the room holding some technological equipment to see the damage caused in his kitchen. "KAMINOSHI WHAT THE FUCK?" He yelled at him only to get a one word answer. "Genei." Makaze stopped for a second and then ran over to Akākato, dropping everything he was holding. "Aka are you okay? Oh god I'm so sorry normally he'll just gorge himself on overpriced cereal and tacos." He asked in a very concerned tone. "Dammit Makaze you fucked up again. Fuck everything." He spoke to himself but it was loud enough to hear. Seeing Makaze's concern Aka chose to reply. "I'm fine now, you never told me you had such a....unique brother though," Aka said wearily. Now that her abilities had been restored and Genei banished to what ever place he was held at this time, Aka's anger ebbed, causing her fiery state to dissipate, returning her to her normal appearance. She sighed in an exasperated manner, before finding a chair and sitting down. Had she known one of his adoptive siblings would be so troublesome, she would have found a way to contact her guards. Despite her abilities returning, she felt emotionally and physically defeated. The fact that such a person could easily eliminate her chakra wielding abilities, leaving her to rely on her background in taijutsu was of deep concern to her. However, Aka remembered that weird moment when her flames came back, yet they felt different from the ones she usually conjured up. The ones that appeared felt like an extension of herself, rather a manifestation of her will. However, that would have to wait, as she could see how emotionally distraught Makaze was over his idiotic mistake, though she wouldn't let him know that. The leader in Aka that Kemuri had sensed when she selected the fiery redhead as her successor took over. "Makaze, look at me. I'm fine, my chakra system is intact, and your adoptive brother is back in a place where he won't disturb the peace," she paused, "granted, what you did was a very stupid mistake, but everyone has their senior moments, brain fart," Aka decided to use her nickname for him, in attempt to bring some comedic relief to a tense situation. "Let's eat something," Aka suggested before looking at the time, "Sir Death, do you have recipes that would be appropriate for a late lunch or early dinner, a linner if you will?" Aka asked, using her nickname for Kami despite his protests earlier. Kaminoshi glared at her before slowly turning it into a smile. "Well you seem quite set on that. I guess as a favor to Kemuri I'll let you call me that." Kaminoshi laughed. "Also for your information they decided to do that while I was already in the room. It's not my fault if a ninja can't sense someone reading in a room." He laughed as he stood and walked over to the stove. "I'm making steak with hell salt, you want it you eat it." He spoke casually as he began pulling cookware from seemingly nowhere. As Kaminoshi worked Makaze finally stopped freaking out and began speaking again. "Aka you don't understand. Genei wasn't even serious, he was joking. If you made him angry, he could've erased you from existence. Only me and Kami have seen him angry and that look on Kami's face tells me, he was about to get angry." Makaze looked up at her with a very scared expression. "I need a moment." He then proceeded to get up and leave the room, disappearing into the house. Kaminoshi just sighed from his place at the stove. "Well, Kami when people are deep in passion, they aren't exactly looking to see if someone else is in the room reading," Aka said while smiling. She turned serious afterwards however, particularly when Makaze went on a rant that sobered her immediately. The more that she thought about it, the more what he said made sense, a scary kind of sense. The fact that it was so simple for him to take away her chakra wielding abilities made it seem not that far a step from erasing her entirely. It was something that disturbed her deeply, very much so, as she sat at the kitchen counter once more. To be honest, she doubted that even if her guards had been here, that they would have made much of a difference, unless Hyon had created a barrier while Taira brought them all of the situation. Even then, Aka had her reservations about whether it would be fast enough. Still, she chided herself for her naivety, and for leaving her guards back at the offices. Knowing them, they would have figured out by now that she wasn't in that room anymore, and would probably take to the streets in order to find her. All of which led to a gloomy atmosphere made all the more depressing by Makaze's nervous breakdown. She sighed, while asking Kami a question, "Kami, what is hell salt? I.e. what makes it different from normal salt?" Aka fidgeted with her finger nails while she waited for an answer. "Yeah well they still should've noticed me. Actually they did but it was all cool, I made pancakes and we chatted. I still occasionally keep in touch with them too, I think I got brumch with Kemuri around a month ago." He spoke calmly as he grilled steak with various flames. "About you other question, hell salt is just like sea salt but from hell." He spoke calmly as he continued to work. Aka looked forlornly at the hallway that Makaze disappeared into. "Do you know how long he's going to be like that?" she asked, staring at the multicolored flames that Kami was using. "To think that such a person can manipulate reality with such ease. It rivals one of the clans we had in my old village. Difference is, while they rarely had people who possessed the ability, much less controlled it, Genei is able to do so with relative ease. How do you negotiate with such a entity?" Aka pondered aloud. "Makaze is just gonna go build something and then calm down, don't worry." Kaminoshi spoke as he patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Genei is a very different story. The closest anyone can come to reality manipulation here is not even Genei's level. That man could erase whole planets if he wanted to. The only reason I can control him is I'm much more powerful than him. As death itself you cannot destroy or even banish me. You can't even harm me. Anything he does is useless to me. I can also undo things that he does so I'm basically a cleanup crew." Kaminoshi sighed. "Even the Kurama paled in comparison then...." Aka said, recalling their ability to kill people within their genjutsu, "That power sounds...horrifying to even imagine." She sat comfortably as she skillfully snatched a steak that had just finished cooking to her satisfaction. Before Kami could protest, she began eating it. "This hell salt is pretty good actually," Aka said as she swallowed a portion down "Hopefully it isn't like those pomegranates that Persephone ate, and now I'm damned to hell now," Aka joked. "No no don't worry, hell salt is just salt from hell. However hell pomegranates will cause internal bleeding and birth demon plants inside you." Kaminoshi casually replied paying no mind to her taking of the steak. "Oh and demon steak will cause 300,000 different types of disease and soul rot. Hell food is fun." Kaminoshi hummed happily as he sat next to her and began eating his steak. "Fun stuff indeed," Aka said as she slid out of her chair. Standing, she stared down the hallway that Makaze had taken. "Should I go after him and see how he's doing or not?" Aka thought aloud, taking a couple steps toward the awaiting hallway and its rooms. While doing so she thought of a question. "How does Makaze prevent himself from being erased then? Last time I checked he isn't the personification of a phenomenon that can't be destroyed," Aka asked Kami as she walked closer to the doorway that she sought. "Genei just likes Makaze. He could erase him, though I would undo it. However Genei seems to enjoy his company. Makaze also made him his top hat so he likes that part too." Kaminohsi paused for a minute. "Hmm now that I think about it Makaze is a surprisingly good tailor. If you guys get together have him make clothes for you." Kaminoshi laughed before walking over to the doorway. "I told you he'll be fine. If we interrupt him now he'll probably just freak out more." He sighed. Aka sighed before she sat back down. "What do you mean get together?" Aka asked, feigning innocence. She yawned slightly as the day began to drag on, going back to watching the steak that Kami was cooking. "Have you decided what is going with the steak? It looks rather lonely after all," Part of her wondered if she should contact her guards, who most likely had noticed her absence. "How to contact them...." she thought. Her golden eyes filled with a weariness as the day's events weighed on Aka. Kaminoshi laughed at her attempts to avoid his comment. "Oh come on it's pretty clear that there is chemistry between the two of you." His smile grew even wider." Not to mention what happened on his last trip." Before she could yell at him he spoke again. "And no Makaze told me nothing, I just know everything." Then as if he was reading her mind he spoke answered her mental question. "Oh don't worry about them. I had Korai take them on a tour of the town. They'll be here in around two hours. Just then Makaze appeared in the room. His eyes were a bit red and his body was covered in oil and filth. "IT WORKED." He shouted with joy. "Kami, Aka I did it I MADE COMMERCIAL TELEPORTATION!!" He shouted as he waved around a device in his hand. Aka sighed outwardly, "I wish you gods weren't mind readers and omnipresent, it really does make a conversation less pleasant," At that moment the name Korai pricked her mind, from a time when Makaze mentioned him. "Wait, isn't that the malevolent dude? YOU HAVE HIM GIVING MY GUARDS A TOUR?!" at that point Aka stood up, going into Kage mode as she called it. While she knew that both Hyon and Tairā were more than capable of taking care of themselves, and working in tandem should things go awry. However, they were still her people and she was ultimately responsible for their safety. "Where. Are. They." Aka said, her voice full of steely calm as she began to glow brightly, as her eyes melted into a flaming gold. It was clear that she was not happy with Kami's decision. She was then interrupted by Makaze's sudden arrival, which was enough to unbalance her slightly. For a second, she didn't understand what he was talking about. Then her confusion cleared as she recalled the conversation between Makaze and Kemuri. "You where able to do it?" Aka said, as respect filtered into her voice. Giving Kami one flaming glare to signal that their conversation wasn't over, she turned to Makaze. "I guess your brain doesn't fart so much after all Makaze," Aka said while smiling, before kissing him on the cheek. "Calm yourself." Kaminoshi laughed. "That man is essentially an edo tensei but alive. I can destroy him in a instant if I so desired." He sat still as Makaze came in yelling about teleportation and inventions. He smiled as soon as Aka kissed Makaze on the cheek and spoke up. "I'll give you two some privacy." He laughed before disappearing. Makaze blushed a bit as he received a kiss from Akākato. "Th-thanks and sorry if I made you worry. Genei just scares me sometimes and, and I was scared something would happen to you." He confessed as he pulled her into a tight hug before sitting on the couch with her beside him. "It helped me with inspiration though and compelled me to finally find the counter measures for making this device safe. To put it simply in a few days our villages will have safe commercial teleportation between each other." He shouted exuberantly. Akākato smiled as she returned Makaze's embrace. As they sat down, Aka curled up closer to Makaze before resting her head on his strong broad shoulder. "What counter measures were missing in order to prevent the device from runnign safely?" Aka asked. The thought of the villages being in contact with each other was oddly exciting for Aka, as she saw quite a bit of knowledge that lay in the village for use in own. It was definitely newsworthy, though she wondered what her people would think of it. Part of her noted that Kami had left, something that opened up opportunities that intrigued her. Makaze smiled as he began to explain the workings of the machine. "Well it requires a catalyst to work and normally that is a large amount of chakra, like a whole chunks chakra system level of it. However by rerouting the catalyst to a artificial dimensional processor I can negate the strain on the body and allow anyone to teleport unencumbered." He laughed happily obviously not reading the mood. Akā curled up closer resting her body comfortably on Makaze's side her head pressed closer to his own. She was undoubtedly impressed with Makaze's stunning display of intelligence, particularly his ability to diagnose the problem. "How did you manage to reroute the catalyst?" she asked in an interested manner. Part of her wanted to do more than converse, but she wouldn't push him, for the moment anyway. Besides, she was honestly interested in how he managed to pull such a thing off. "Well the whole thing runs on the generation of a wormhole to allow warping so I managed to connect the uplink that creates the wormholes to one of my space-time engines and essentially drew upon cosmic energy to draw out the drain and redirect it into the closest black hole to our planet, effectively erasing it." He shouted out with pride. He then finally noticed her leaning into him and pressed his forehead to hers delivering a kiss to her nose. "I'm sorry for freaking you out earlier." He whispered. Her nose became a rose color in the portion where his lips had brushed. "It's fine," she whispered back as their foreheads touched once more. At this point, nothing more than a slow charade into the depths of love interested Aka, as she returned his kiss by planting a gentle one on his forehead. "I love you, don't scare me like that again. Promise?" Aka asked, her voice uncharacteristically gentle as she placed a kiss on the bridge of Makaze's nose, her forehead softly leaning against his own. "I promise." Makaze spoke as he wrapped her into a tight hug. It was only then that he realized he was basically covered from head to toe in grease and oil. "Umm hold on a second," Makaze stammered as he jumped up from the couch. "I'll be back soon." He yelled as he rushed through the doorway and down the hall. As he dashed through another door he tossed his clothes off and jumped into a shower. I hope I didn't get oil on her. he thought to himself. All that could be heard from Akākato's place on the couch was running water. Aka was surprised when he broke off the hug if not a little hurt, but then she realized why. In her moment of sensuality Aka had failed to notice that Makaze was covered in oil and grease. As he went to wash off, Aka washed her hands, as well as her forehead and face, both of which were finely covered in oil and grease. "Typical brain fart," Aka thought, using her affectionate nickname for Makaze. After washing off, she returned to the couch, where Aka waited patiently for Makaze to return. Fortunately her clothing had escaped the grease and oil, something that relieved her, as she hadn't brought a change of clothes. Makaze vigorously scrubbed his body and clothes to rid it of the oil and grease. As he stepped out of the shower he noticed the clothes were still stained. "Shit I guess I'll need Kami to wash these." He muttered to himself as he tossed them into hamper and tapped a few buttons on his wrist watch before a pair of shorts and underwear appeared before him As he dressed himself he walked back down the hallway and into the kitchen he realized that he had forgot a shirt. Fuck it she's seen me without one before he thought to himself. He sat beside her once again. "Sorry about that." He apologized. A faint array of lines could be seen on his back. As Makaze reappeared, Akā noticed his aforementioned lack of upper body attire, revealing a rather muscular and well-defined physique. It was something that she could very much appreciate as her eyes wandered over his appearance, taking stock of all he had to offer. That was when she noticed a faint array of lines on his back, something which interested her slightly. As he sat back down she curled up next to him. "It's fine....though you could make it up to me," Aka said ambiguously, tracing the lines on his back slowly and meticulously. Part of Akā noted how easy it would be to slip off his lower clothing, though she resisted such thoughts for the moment, content to curl up against her man. Kami was right.... Akā thought; interestingly enough, that didn't annoy her nearly as much as it should have. Makaze lay happily next to her as they curled up together. "Well in what way exactly?" He teased as they curled up closer. It was only then that he noticed her tracing a very familiar pattern on his back. "I can't let her see that. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING." He thought aloud as both hand shot to his mouth in an attempt to cover it but it was too late. Makaze stared blankly at her. "Umm I-I need to go." He spit out. As he backed away some invisible force tripped him. He landed face down on the floor his Seal in full view. High above the planet Kaminoshi sat in a large comfy chair floating in the void. "No no Makaze this has to happen." He smiled, sipping his hot chocolate. "Everything is falling into place, a few more movements and it shall be time." He chuckled as he continued to observe the planet. This time Aka was hurt. Makaze was acting really weird lately, and not in the typical sense as he backed away before tripping and landing face-first on the floor. She then saw what she had been tracing on his back; a seal. As a full-blooded Uzumaki, she would have been a shame to her clan if she didn't possess some knowledge or ability with seals though fortunately for her she did. Standing up, she walked to where Makaze lay in order to closely examine the seal's design. The seal itself was highly intricate and extremely advanced, something that disturbed her slightly for no reason. It may have been the faint glow of power that arose from the seal, "Makaze, why is there a seal on your back?" Aka asked in a voice thick with suspicion, noting it was not a seal of the Uzumaki's design, though it did have something resembling a spiral in it's center. It hurt Akākato that Makaze didn't trust her enough to inform her of its existence. The seal itself however seemed to warp something slightly as she bent down to touch it once more. "NO NO NO STOP DONT TOUCH IT AGAIN" Makaze screeched as rolled away from here hand, barely avoiding her touch. "Look Im sorry I haven't been completely honest with you about some stuff, mainly because of dangerous reasons and other things. I love you but Im scared that with all the weird stuff happening around here I'm the only normal thing, take that away and your basically willingly staying in a insane asylum. Who would willingly do that?" He spit out, a few tears forming in his eyes. "Well screw it, we've come this far I might as well tell you everything. I have a pet cosmic beast that I made, and I have another pet primordial godbeast that spawned life on this planet. It's secretions are used in the soup I traded with you guys. There is the ancestor of dragons and god of dragons currently residing in our town and a supermassive dragon living under the city. The whole city is also capable of time travel." he paused to catch his breath. "Now the seal. I have no idea how I got it, I think I was born with it actually. After years of studying it I finally found what it was. I've dubbed it the seal of the clockwork angel. It seems to be able to control time and space as well as machinery, however Iv'e never tried to activate due to the massive damage it could cause." He paused again and looked into her eyes. "Seals are like circuits, little arrays of mechanics that fulfill a purpose upon activation. This seals purpose can cause massive destruction upon activation and you almost allowed that by touching it after the initial pulse went off." He looked into deep into her eyes, visible streaks of water were left on her face. "You cannot tell anyone about any of this please." he cried. Aka fell to her knees, the weight of what he was saying quickly filling her with dread. No wonder that seal at first felt so off. She doubted even the Five Elements Seal would be a sufficient way to remove or at least temper the Clockwork Seal. She couldn't believe he had been withholding all of this information all this time, something that had shocked her greatly. Part of her knew that all that he mentioned made an insane amount of sense, given what she had seen throughout her day at this place, particularly that monstrous entity named Genei and the Death God Kami. Even the pyscho that was guiding her guards around fit into this puzzle, however the more puzzle pieces that were added, the more she didn't like what she saw. This was a madhouse, and all rationality was thrown out the window. She stumbled backwards, before muttering, "I need some air...," The panic combined with the stress of the situation was taking a toll on her as tears formed in her eyes. Feeling like a coward, with all titles slipping away, she turned and ran down the hallway, before locating the exit of the house. Having done so, Aka opened the door to only run headfirst into her bodyguards. Both took one look at her heavy emotional distress and came to a quick decision. "We are leaving, now." Tairā stated, leaving no room for argument. Hyon nodded, as they escorted her away from that house, while Aka herself remained mostly out of it. It was unsure if the revelations Makaze had uttered led to the shattering of her pysche, though it was clear that had caused some amount of psychological damage and emotional strain. With Tairā's space-time ninjutsu, they quickly reached the docked boat that awaited their arrival. Both guards agreed that they needed to put as much space between Aka and whatever had caused that temporary mental-breakdown. They noted that she had calmed down significantly as they boarded the ship. Aka stared at the village longingly however, undecided if she should go back now or forever hold her peace. "No no no no no no no" Makaze cried as he activated his Manogan and grew a large pair of purple etherial wings. He shot through the sky at a rapid pace, managing to crash down onto the dock just as Aka was boarding. "Aka please we need to talk this through. Look I know this place is insane but you have to trust me I would never harm you or let harm come to you. I love you Aka please don't do this He cried as tears streamed down his face. "I told you everything, WHY? WHY WHY WHY WHY? Guess Why I trust you as much as my own family I trust you with things some of my own family don't even know." He shouted out, his face now red and his lungs gasping for air. Kaminoshi looked down from above "Well this scene is just sad" He sighed to himself. "I guess this requires me to actually step in to help." He mused Regardless of my plans the important thing now is Makaze's happiness. He thought to himself. In a flash he had appeared before all of them and with a snap of his fingers the world stood still save for Makaze, Akākato, and himself. "Sorry you two but this subject is a bit too touchy for all these people. I simply froze the universe for a little. Know that any power you have is completely negated here seals, chakra, space-time, god powers, other stuff, all is negated save for mine. I am simply a call away if you wish to end this and leave but Aka please give my brother a fair chance. It's not his fault he was branded with that seal." He spoke politely to the both of them before fading away. Hell maybe I'll send Genei here, his serious form is quite effective and not insane. He thought as he faded. Aka looked back at her guards as Kami appeared. As they reacted to Makaze's crash landing, she noted that they stopped suddenly. As Kami began launching into his rant, Aka stepped off the ship, staring at Makaze and his purple wings, as well as his activated dōjutsu. She paused before stammering, "I'm sorry for the way I reacted earlier....it's just...a lot to take in," The area was heavy with the tension of the two as Kami took his leave. "I guess that kind of stuff is what you want to tell someone on the first date is it?" Aka commented dryly while her eyes watered and filled with tears. An unintentional rift had been created, though part of her had closed as Aka regained control of her emotions. "But how? The people who exist here I couldn't hold a candle to with the nature of their abilities," Part of her was frustrated with how that happened, not enjoying the feeling of helplessness. She was never the type to rely on other people, nor a person who could be placed on the damsel in distress list. The fact that she would have to rely on Makaze for protection rather than fight on equal footing aggravated her greatly. Makaze cracked a small smile. "Yeah but we aren't exactly the most normal couple." He laughed. "It's ok I'm just glad everything that happened hasn't messed you up. Most people don't have the guts to give a god a pet name or attempt to beat the shit out of someone who can erase worlds. Your probably the bravest person Iv'e ever met. Your also smart, funny, sociable, talented, able to appreciate cooking the list goes on and on." He spoke as he embraced her in a hug. "That's true," Aka commented wryly, noting that she did have a rather large audacious streak. "Thanks. Despite your ah interesting seal, and your occasional brain farts, you're smart, witty, funny, and you're pretty good looking for a mechanic...I guess," Aka cracked a grin as she embraced Makaze in return. "This is going to be crazy though, it's weird to be in the company of a god and all of the other creatures that inhabit your village, but we'll make it work," She then rested her head on his chest. Makaze smiled at their embrace and held her close as times flow returned to the world and everyone began to move again Makaze breathed a sigh of relief, happy that the ordeal was over. "Think i'd make the front cover on sexy mechanics weekly? He teased. Just as he steeped away from the hug to world turned a dark grey color as all but Aka appeared in black and white. Even Makaze was frozen this time. A few lights flashed before her eyes and in an explosion of light Genei stood a few feet away from her. He was now dressed in a yellow tailcoat along with a white undershirt his top hat was longer and thinner than before. He floated above the ground holding a long black cane. "Akākato we need to talk." The man spoke in a very serious tone. It was completely unlike he ever spoke previously. "Bye the welcome to my dimension same rules as Kaminosi's but time isn't stopped, simply slowed to a day here equals light moving from one molecule to the other in reality." Genei spoke casually as he twirled his cane. "Anyway we must talk Aka." He spoke, looking to her for a response. Akākato stared as now Makaze was frozen, along with everything else. She had been about to respond to his teasing when Genei appeared, different from his insane self. "What are you doing here Genei?" Aka asked, her voice thick with suspicion after their last confrontation. "What is so important that time must be stopped once more?" While she knew well of his power, it was clear that she was not in the mood for polite or casual talk, not after all of those revelations. Genei sighed as he adjusted his bowtie. Im here to say sorry for all the uncouth and impolite behavior as well as all my previous misdemeanors. I am not right in the head as you can tell. I currently have a few personalities my body switches from randomly so please understand I'm extremely sorry for the trouble I cause. Also when I said daft punk i was referring to a band in my home dimension. My other personality doesn't even know what daft means." He apologized. Aka blinked. Of all the things she expected, an apology wasn't one of them. "Thank you for your apology, I forgive you," Aka stated, noting how well spoken he was. It was interesting how radically different this Genei was compared to the one she had met earlier. "Well, what do you want to talk about?" "Nothing in particular really, I just wanted to apologize for basically becoming the one that began the domino effect of messing up your day." He spoke as he began waving his hands. He pressed them together and as he pulled them apart revealing two short swords. "These are for you, name them what you desire. The one on the left coats whatever it touches in a fine oil and the other coats them in the black flames of hell. This is a token of my grace that you accepted my apology." He spoke happily, holding out the swords. Aka accepted them gracefully. "Thank you for the gift Genei," Aka stated as she tried out various grips with the swords, handling them as her elder sister had shown her. She knew that the both swords would bode well with her fighting style, particularly the oil sword. "I hope that we can start a more friendly relationship from now," Aka said as she held the swords by her sides. "I have no control over my personality but just please try not to take offense in what happens when I am insane." He spoke as he took a bow and vanished. Time once again returned to it's normal flow leaving Makaze still awaiting her response to his question about mechanics weekly. He failed to notice to swords just quite yet. "Don't flatter yourself too much Makaze," Aka teased, remembering the conversation before Genei's interruption. She embraced him once more, "Though you might make the Top 5 brain fart," Aka teased as she hugged him before laying her head on his chest. She had stowed the swords by her sides, having created a makeshift scabbard for each of them. "Oh how hilarious." Makaze sighed at her teasing before laughing as they embraced. As they hugged he felt the presence of a new metal on her body. My mechanic senses are tingling He thought to himself as he drew away to examine the blades. "Where the heck did these come from? They weren't here a second ago?" A puzzled Makaze questioned. It was at that point Aka remembered the swords she had strapped to her side. "These? They were a gift from Genei, me and him just finished talking a few minutes ago," As she felt the panic rise in Makaze she waved it away. "Don't worry, this was the sane one, in fact he apologized for his actions earlier in the day. He mentioned something about having multiple personalities actually. But yeah, at the end of the chat he gifted me these two swords. In fact, could you help me name them? My brain is farting, it must come from being around you too much," Aka stated, teasing at the end. Makaze just sighed before gently taking the two swords from her waist and creating a pillar of stone. If I know Genei these won't be normal, left sword firstHe thought as he swung it from a distance but nothing happened. He then charged the pillar and slammed the sword into it which coated it in a fine oil. Hmm so lets see what this one does He thought as he looked to the right sword. He jumped backwards as he swung it unleashing a wave of dark fire that burned the pillar to nothing. "Akuma and Zainin" He spoke as he place the swords back in their scabbards. "Thats what I would call them." Aka thought about the two names. "Sounds reasonable enough," she replied once the swords were placed in their respective holders. "So what now?" she asked, as her guards sat upon the vessel, appearing somewhat bored while curious about the nature of Makaze and Aka's relationship. Her hand slid into his own as she looked back at the city that he called home, full of technology and fables, both of which seemed incompatible yet somehow coexisted in this place. Time slowed to a halt as Kaminoshi appeared once again. He walked around the frozen Akākato and up to the frozen Makaze. "Well looks like I'll just have to do it myself." He smirked as he unfroze the small area around the seal and tapped it three times, setting off it's activation. He then refroze the time and began walking away. "This should be interesting." He laughed as he faded away, time then resumed once more. From Akakato's point of view she could see a large pillar of yellow orange and red light stemming from the seal on Makaze's back. Aka looked to see a yellowish orange and red light being released from Makaze's back. Nervously, she stepped back. "Um Makaze, your the seal on your back is glowing," she stated curiously, as she was about to examine the activated seal. Fortunately, she thought better of it and stood back. Part of her wondered what caused its sudden activation when beforehand it had remained in a relatively dormant state. Aka was sure that Makaze hadn't activated the seal remotely, yet that didn't explain what is was currently open. Considering that she had just met two people capable of stopping or slowing down time however, Aka had her suspicions. "Oh god no pleas be joking, please be joking." Makaze begged, shaking with fear. He however saw in her eyes she was not and began to freak out. "NO NO NO NO NO Son of a bitch!" He screamed. However his mind was at work calculating all possibilities. There will be an insane amount of energy from this, enough to level a country. I have to redirect it somehow, hmm. Of course portals, Using the Jigen Manogan I can redirect all of this into space. He smiled as he attempted to activate his Jigen Manogan however nothing happened. "What? HOW?" He screamed as a wave of blue light erupted from him enveloping the city it then shot outwards covering the world before fading away. As the glare cleared Makaze scanned the area. "Looks like I was wrong, that energy was harmless." He sighed with relief. He then noticed that Aka and her guards were simply staring at him. "What?" He questioned. However what he couldn't see was that Makaze had changed, two angelic wings made of etherial blue clockwork sprouted from his back. His left eye gained a etherial blue gear surrounding it as his right gained a blue glow. His palms each aired a gear marking and a halo of clockwork appeared around his head. Aka stared at him as the energy was released, lighting the sky with its vibrant hue before scattering over the world. It was then that Makaze's appearance changed, in a rather dramatic fashion. "Um, Makaze....I'm not sure how to tell you this, but your appearance has changed rather drastically," Aka stated taking note of his his mismatched eyes, the tattoo around the other eye, the wings as well as the markings and halo. It was a rather mindblowing change compated to what he normally looked like. "I would suggest looking in a mirror," Aka said. As if on que, Hyon activated his steel abilities, creating a reflective barrier of steel that Makaze could view himself in. "See for yourself," Hyon responded simply. Makaze was in awe at his new form. "Wow so I guess the seal of the clockwork angel lives up to it's expectations." He laughed as he walked up to Akākato. "What do ya think?" He smiled as he gave a little twirl. "Cool right." Aka was shocked by the transformation, and it slightly intimidated her. It made Makaze appear just a little more otherworldly and less familiar. While it wasn't the appearance of the divine or the godly, it did make him look more at home with them, particularly Kami and Genei. Put simply, it made Aka feel just a bit small, something she did not enjoy at all, particularly with her fiery personality and self-sufficiency. However, she tried to put that aside for the moment as she looked to take the higher road. "Don't flatter yourself Makaze," Aka teased, "We all know that ego is big enough, my comment might cause it to outgrow the village," She thought for a while as the sun began to set, its rays causing her hair to appear as a fiery blaze atop her head. "Mean" Makaze pouted as he playfully stuck his tongue out at her before stepping back. He noticed the seal was much more open in its flow. Seems the circuit isn't so locked up anymore He though to himself as he mental willed the seal to close. His added features disappeared as the seals glow receded to a slight shimmer then stopped completely. "Much better." He sighed With the deactivation of the seal, Makaze returned to his typical appearance, something that relieved Aka greatly. Part of her didn't know what to make of the evolution of Makaze's seal, particularly his ability to suddenly control its activation. While she had made her peace with Genei, part of her remained suspicious of Kami. He was too nice for a death god, something which caused warning signs to flash in her head. However, she ignored that for the moment as she studied Makaze intently. THE DEATH GOD Kaminoshi mentally screamed. He was once again in his plush chair up in space. Not a death god geez, some people. Hmm but she is smart. I might erase her mind but she can't cause any harm. It would be a waste of time. Kaminoshi smiled. Phase one is already almost complete. As soon as Makaze figures out that seal. Well be able to finally be able to reach phase two. He laughed. "So Aka what now?" Makaze questioned as he ran a hand through his silver hair.