| - Anonymous states his agenda once again: to destroy all of Sonic's most powerful enemies, including Mammoth Mogul. At the same time, the Freedom Fighters launch a desperate attack against the just escaped Mogul, while Merlin and Sir Connery realize that the Mammoth's freedom means that the Ancient Walkers are dead. Mogul calls up a shield to protect himself from the attacks of his enemies before unleashing a stunning wave of power, allowing him to claim the Crown of Acorns from the unconscious Elias. Elsewhere, in New Mobotropolis, Anonymous continues to muse on his plans as Mecha and Dr. Robotnik head back into the Egg Grape Chamber. At the same time that he muses on how he has brought a new player into the game, Robotnik recognizes Anonymous' latest pawn: Ixis Naugus, freed from the Zone of Silence by the dimensional breach that killed the Ancient Walkers. Mecha attacks the wizard on Robotnik's order, but Naugus transforms his body into smoke to avoid the laser beams before attempting to suffocate Mecha with a vacuum. After learning that she is a robot, he changes tactics, and uses his power to freeze her solid before taking the Sword of Acorns from the Arachne. He then informs Robotnik that he will return to exact his vengeance once he has claimed the mate to the Sword. Disappearing with the Arachne, he leaves Robotnik to worry over these developments, while Anonymous takes pleasure in the completion of his efforts to this point. Back in Knothole, the Destructix are sitting in their cell, being mocked by fellow prisoner Nack the Weasel for their swift capture. He is then astonished as Mammoth Mogul dissolves the wall to their cell, allowing the group to escape and pledge their allegiance to their old master. Mogul then informs his minions that their next goal is to locate the Sword of Acorns, only for Naugus and the Arachne to arrive mere meters away. The two villains each demand that the other hand over their Source of All relic, Naugus boasting of his elemental mastery, fusion of the Void and the Zone of Silence, and status as the last lord of the Order of Ixis. Mogul waves aside these claims, informing Naugus that he is not the last lord of Mogul's Order. The two villains are then interrupted by Sonic, who appears on a nearby rise in company with most of the Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix, Sir Connery, Merlin, and Elias, announcing their intentions to reclaim the artifacts. Nack, taking advantage of the confusion, squeezes out through the bars of his cell and decides to leave his former henchman a "gift" so as to eliminate any competition. Meanwhile, Anonymous glories in the success of his plan as the three groups engage in an epic battle, with Naugus and Mogul dueling with their respective magical powers as the heroes do battle with their henchmen and vainly attempt to get involved in their confrontation. The mysterious enemy then takes his final step as the scene switches back to New Megaopolis, where A.D.A.M. is informing Robotnik that all the empty Egg Grapes are still intact, though those that were occupied have been drawn into the Zone of Silence. A.D.A.M. then informs Robotnik that he has learned how the Arachne made their way into the Egg Grape Chamber, and cites the culprit as Anonymous, assisted by the now functional Mecha. Mecha denies involvement, prompting A.D.A.M. to show footage of her meeting with a blurred out figure who claims to have organized the Arachne to serve Ixis Naugus. The Mecha in footage then agrees to trigger the Egg Grapes when the time is right, which will allow the two to remove Robotnik from power and take over themselves. A.D.A.M. then claims that he was unable to discern Anonymous' identity due to some interference field, while an enraged Robotnik orders Mecha to self-destruct. He then orders A.D.A.M. to delete all backups of Mecha's programming, as well as terminating Project Metal Snively, saying he is done with henchmen after Mecha's betrayal and Hunter's failure on Angel Island. A.D.A.M. then has a cleaning Flapper come to deal with Mecha's remains, reporting that he has destroyed Project Metal Snively. Robotnik then muses on how he must now find a way to deal with Naugus, whom he knows will be coming after him. Finished deleting Mecha's files, A.D.A.M. listens as Robotnik remarks on the threat Naugus could pose were he to obtain the last of the Source of All. He then realizes that to stop Naugus would be helping Sonic and his friends, something that would be intolerable for him. A.D.A.M. then reports that his spy satellites have located Naugus in Knothole, doing battle with Mammoth Mogul, Sonic, and every A-ranked enemy of the Empire. Robotnik is surprised, and then smirks wickedly as he conceives of a contingency plan. His work in New Megaopolis done, Anonymous returns to watching the battle in Knothole, where Naugus finds himself frustrated in his attempts to overpower Mogul with elemental assaults. Mogul remarks that Naugus' abilities are impressive, but that Mogul's own abilities with the Ixis Magicks are superior. Naugus attempts to use his crystallization technique on Mogul, only to have it turned back on him, while Mogul remarks cuttingly that he has gotten to used to the added power of the Zone of Silence. Naugus then decides to try and overwhelm Mogul's mind and control him, but once again finds that Mogul is his better. Watching their confrontation, Merlin begins to grow anxious, and informs Connery that they must recover one of the Source of All artifacts while they still have the opportunity. The two then attempt to recover the Sword, which Naugus has dropped, only for Mogul to send them flying for their trouble. Fortunately, the plight of the two is noticed, and Sonic catches Merlin while Knuckles comes to the aid of his old ally Sir Connery, the two meeting again for the first time since their shared battle against Black Death and the Enchantress. As Mogul grits his teeth over the failure to remove them from the battle, a humbled Naugus questions who Mogul, with his proficiency in the arcane arts, really is. Mogul then shares part of his history with Naugus, remarking that after his initial conquest and defeat, he set about learning how to control his Chaos Emerald's powers, developing the Ixis Magicks in the process. His success drew acolytes to his cause, but the growing Order of Ixis was defeated in the Forgotten War by the Albion Knights of Aurora. Mogul had believed himself the only survivor, but now recognizes that Naugus must have been one of his students (though in truth he is an amalgam of three: Agunus, Nusgau, and Suguna). Deciding that these revelations have changed the order of things, the two dark magicians call out to their respective minions, gathering them together. The Freedom Fighters and there allies question what their foes could be up to, though Elias is confident that they will defeat them, as Geoffrey St. John has been sent to gather the Palace Guard. Merlin then informs the group that the Order of Ixis is making a comeback, though Connery is quick to delcare that they will fall. Naugus, bowing to Mogul, presents him with the Sword of Acorns and apprentices himself to his old master so that he might one day become his equal. Welcoming his new subordinate, Mogul takes the Sword and activates its power, blinding the Freedom Fighters with a flash of light. As Sonic observes that retrieving the Acorn artifacts has just become even more difficult, and Mogul prepares to lead his now expanded force against the heroes, Anonymous comments that Phase Two of his plan is now complete.