| - Hellenion is a U.S.-based religious organization for practitioners of Hellenic polytheism, a new religious movement for the revival of the ancient Greek religion. The organization was founded in part by Andrew Campbell, the author of Old Stones, New Temples, and obtained 501(c)(3) tax exemption in September 2002. The current president is Victory White. As a national organization whose members are very widespread, Hellenion conducts much of its business over email. Members are encouraged to form local ritual groups, called Demoi, in areas with high concentrations of Hellenion members. As of December 2005, Hellenion had one chartered Demos (Demos Hellenotamiai in Washington, D.C.) and five Proto-Demoi, concentrated mainly in the northeast United States. Hellenion was one of the first Hellenic polytheist organizations to ordain clergy, whom they refer to as Theoroi. Each Theoros is dedicated to a specific god or goddess from the Greek pantheon. The first Theoros of Hellenion was Dennis Dutton, ordained as Theoros of Dionusos Eleftheros on January 13, 2004. Hellenion also provides a 12-week Basic Adult Education program for members as an introduction to Hellenic polytheism.