| - Lista de Apariciones Canberra es la capital de Australia.
- Nightlife in Canberra refers to the of bars, clubs and nightime entertainment in Canberra, Australia. The main area for the nightlife in Canberra is Civic, although there are other nightclubs in locations such as Manuka. Other bars and clubs are in different locations around the city.
- Canberra (キャンベラ, Kyanbera en japonés y Canberra en inglés) es una nueva vecina que apareció por primera vez en Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- thumb|250pxDie Canberra ist ein leichter Bomber und Aufklärer aus britischer Produktion.
- Canberra es la capital de Australia.
- Its population is over 345,000.
- Canberra ist die Hauptstadt des Nationalstaates Australien auf der Erde. In den 2150er Jahren befindet sich in Canberra eines von mehreren vulkanischen Konsulaten. (ENT: )
- Canberra (pronounced "Can-bra") is the capital and biggest-little-city of Australia. The city was designed by an elderly British man to trap tourists in an arcane and diabolical web of roundabouts and eye-sores, commonly known as "government buildings" or "private schools". Canberra is known for its weather - The average winter temperature is -17°C and the average summer temperature is 45°C. What is less usual is that the temperature hangs around these extremes all year, and precipitation only ever occurs in the form of hail. On less extreme days, the Manuka socialites can be seen sitting in the sun, inhaling exhaust fumes as their varied plastic additions melt, indulging in their perception of harmony among the roundabouts, pot smoke and that this wonderful city embodies.
- Au milieu du 22ème siècle, les Vulcains avaient maintenu un consulat à Canberra. En 2155, l'organisation Terra Prime cibla le consulat avec un rayon verteron, lorsqu'ils menacèrent tous les non-humains de quitter le système de Sol. (ENT: "Terra Prime")
- Canberra was the capital city on the country of Australia on the planet Earth. Canberra was home to a Vulcan consulate in the mid-22nd century. In 2155, Terra Prime aimed their Verteron Array at the consulate in an effort to force all aliens to leave the Sol system. (ENT episode: "Terra Prime")
- In the mid 22nd century, the Vulcans maintained a consulate in Canberra. In 2155, after the xenophobic group "Terra Prime" issued an ultimatum demanding all non-humans to immediately leave the Sol system, their operatives reported that there was no indication of the Vulcans withdrawing from their consulates in Canberra and Berlin. Expecting their demands to be ignored, Terra Prime used this as a pretense to target Starfleet Command in San Francisco with their hijacked verteron array. (ENT: "Terra Prime")
- In het midden van de 22e eeuw had Vulcan een consulaat in Canberra. (ENT: "Terra Prime") Categorie:Aardse nederzettingen de:Canberra en:Canberra
- Canberra's Critical (Courteous) Mass Bike Ride Launching at 6pm from Garema Place , the last Friday of each month. Ending up at The Sly Fox on the OConnor bike path.
- Canberra is the capital city of the nation of Australia, on Earth. In the mid 22nd century, the Vulcans maintained a consulate in Canberra. It was targeted by Terra Prime operatives armed with a Verteron array in 2155, when they threatened for all non-Humans to leave the Sol system. (ENT: "Terra Prime")
- Canberra is the Australian capital in the Civilization games and elsewhere. It was chosen as the site of the nation's capital in 1908 as a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne.
- Canberra is the capital city of Australia and with a population of over 332,000, is Australia's largest inland city. The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory, 300 kilometres (190 mi) southwest of Sydney, and 650 kilometres (400 mi) north-east of Melbourne. The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the nation's capital in 1908 as a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne, the two largest cities. It is unusual among Australian cities as an entirely purpose-built, planned city. Following an international contest for the city's design, a design by Chicago architect Walter Burley Griffin was selected and construction commenced in 1913. The city's design was heavily influenced by the garden city movement and incorporates significant areas of natural
- Canberra was the headquarters for UNIT in Australia. UNIT Canberra once sent a package to UNIT London for confirmation of its contents' alien origins. The artefacts were related to the 1930s yacht, Constitution III, that met its end reasonably close to Australia. The Third Doctor and Dr Liz Shaw confirmed the objects were alien soon after opening the package. UNIT Canberra continued to supply UNIT London with assistance as the Doctor, the Brigadier, Liz, and Sergeants Yates and Benton investigated the origins of the artefacts further. (PROSE: The Eye of the Giant)
- Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of over 345,000, it is Australia's largest inland city and the eighth largest Australian city overall. The site of Canberra was selected for the location of the nation's capital in 1908 as a compromise between rivals Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's two largest cities.
- Canberra is both the state capital and the capital city of Australia. It is set amidst wonderful landscapes, along The Pacific Coast. The city lies on both sides of the river Molonglo and around Lake Burley Griffin, at the foot of the Australian Alps. The site, for the construction of the city of Canberra, was an obvious choice, given the economic, climatic and scenic factors of this location. Canberra is a modern and refined city, whose architecture and public spaces respect the original desire to create an ordered urban area. New satellite- towns, with a residential feel, have been built in the out-lying suburbs. Canberra has little local industry and functions primarily as the official seat of the government and public services.
- Canberra is the capital city of Australia. With a population of 374,245, it is Australia's largest inland city and the eighth-largest city overall. The city is located at the northern end of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), 280km (170mi) south-west of Sydney, and 660km (410mi) north-east of Melbourne. A resident of Canberra is known as a "Canberran".