| - Amberground aka AG is the world in which Tegami Bachi takes place. The entire country of Amberground has no sun, with the only light coming from the man-made sun that rests over the capital, Akatsuki. The country of Amberground is surrounded by water on all sides and is split into three regions and class, with the brightest and the capital region being in the middle. Massive ring-shaped lakes separate the three regions and they can only be crossed if you take one of the bridges. To cross the bridges, you need to have a crossing pass, which allows you to cross between the regions. Crossing passes are acquired through hard work, and the government has gates and gatekeepers to regulate who goes where.
| - Amberground aka AG is the world in which Tegami Bachi takes place. The entire country of Amberground has no sun, with the only light coming from the man-made sun that rests over the capital, Akatsuki. The country of Amberground is surrounded by water on all sides and is split into three regions and class, with the brightest and the capital region being in the middle. Massive ring-shaped lakes separate the three regions and they can only be crossed if you take one of the bridges. To cross the bridges, you need to have a crossing pass, which allows you to cross between the regions. Crossing passes are acquired through hard work, and the government has gates and gatekeepers to regulate who goes where. It is almost impossible to gain a crossing pass if you are a normal citizen. Bee's have access to a crossing pass. Towns in Amberground and few and far between, and going from one town to another is extremely dangerous due to the presence of armored creatures known as Gaichuu. Because of this, delivering letter and packages are expensive and only carried out by the country's post men, nicknamed the Letter Bees. Though there have been attempts at establishing alternate delivery personnel, such as the Letter Pigeons, these haven't been nearly as successful. Its currency is measured in Rin and time measured as Niku. In reality, 1 Niku is equivalent to an hour. With the absence of a natural sun, this concept of time becomes an important guideline of life for the residents.