| - Player Name: Melissa Yahoo ID!: trapped_in_turmoil Forum Handle: Leryndrian Homeworld: N/A Species: Human. Age: 18-20 months old. Eyes: Gray. Hair: Black; short, curly. Distinguishing marks, scars, tattoos: N/A. Force Sensitive: Yes. Occupation: Being a kid, lol. Affiliation: Jedi Order. Weapons: N/A. Transportation: N/A. Relatives: Leiyn Dar (mother), Kefret Dar (twin brother), Merek Stele (uncle). Staying with Mommy on the forest moon of Endor. We get to see Uncle Jeryndi! Yay! Return to the Character Database Return to the Main Page.
| - Player Name: Melissa Yahoo ID!: trapped_in_turmoil Forum Handle: Leryndrian Homeworld: N/A Species: Human. Age: 18-20 months old. Eyes: Gray. Hair: Black; short, curly. Distinguishing marks, scars, tattoos: N/A. Force Sensitive: Yes. Occupation: Being a kid, lol. Affiliation: Jedi Order. Weapons: N/A. Transportation: N/A. Relatives: Leiyn Dar (mother), Kefret Dar (twin brother), Merek Stele (uncle). Alexis and Kefret was born under harsh circumstances aboard the Dawning Hope in orbit around the planet of Elom... Alexis and Kefret were the byproduct of rape during their mother's captivity on Ord Mantell... Despite being twins, they have different fathers and -very- different personalities. Alexis is very calm, quiet, and patient... Whereas Kefret is very loud, spastic, and antsy... Staying with Mommy on the forest moon of Endor. We get to see Uncle Jeryndi! Yay! Return to the Character Database Return to the Main Page.