Thrum, a broad-faced, male Fia, was the assistant primate to Primate Persha.
Thrum, era un Fia de rostro amplio, was the Primate Asistente de la Primate Persha.
Thrum is a dwarven explorer who found out, while on an adventure with a human and goblin, that goblin technology sometimes does not work, and can backfire. (DF 105)
Thrum, a broad-faced, male Fia, was the assistant primate to Primate Persha.
Thrum, era un Fia de rostro amplio, was the Primate Asistente de la Primate Persha.
Thrum is a dwarven explorer who found out, while on an adventure with a human and goblin, that goblin technology sometimes does not work, and can backfire. (DF 105)