| - The LR 300 is an assault rifle designed and manufactured by Z-M Weapons. The rifle is touted as an 'excellent entry weapon system' indicating that this version is available for military usage. One stated feature of the rifle is its 'diverted felt recoil' which helps prevent muzzle rise common to most other select-fire rifles and carbines. Also notable is the rifle's capability to use a fully folding skeletal stock. Most AR-15/M16 rifle variants have a thick, cylindrical recoil buffer tube that protrudes several inches straight back from the rear of the receiver, and the weapon cannot operate without it. This normally precludes the use of anything but fixed or telescoping stocks. The LR 300 gets around this problem in two ways - the bolt carrier is half the length of a standard AR-15 carrier. Secondly, the return spring for the bolt carrier is mounted forward of the receiver on the extended carrier key. LR-300MLs have flat top receivers with Weaver rails, allowing them to be used with multiple types of sights. The trigger, as well as the charging handle, magazine button, and hold open device etc., are the same as the M16 and AR-15 rifles. The grip angle of the rifle is the same as that of John Browning's M1911 pistol; as Browning's choice of grip angle on the 1911 pistol is frequently called 'perfect' and held by some to be the 'gold standard' for pistol grip angles, the reproduction of that firearm's grip angle in the pistol grip of the LR 300 is said to further aid in making it a far more controllable rifle than others. The barrel has a 1:9 twist ratio, is chrome lined and has a Phantom flash suppressor.