| - thumb|right|200px|Karate w stylu tradycyjnym. Karate - coś pochodzące z Dalekiego Wschodu polegające na robiemu Aja i machaniu wyprostowanymi kończynami, ewentualnie także waleniem łbem w cegły lub niszczenie cegieł łapą. Najczęściej się pojawia, gdy zgubiłeś klucze i musisz wyważyć drzwi. Szeroko wykorzystywane przez ninja. Co ciekawe, karate zna każdy Polak. Obok tego judo, kung-fu, sumo i parę innych japońskich słówek.
- Karate is predominantly a striking art, using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes. Historically and in some modern styles grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints, and vital point strikes are also taught.
- This advanced melee combat style is specialized in damage at the cost of defense.
- Karate (空手) is a Martial Way discipline.
- Karate is a martial arts form developed from indigenous fighting methods from the Ryūkyū Islands, Chinese kempo, and classical Japanese martial arts. It is known primarily as a striking art, featuring punching, kicking, knee/elbow strikes, and open-handed techniques, but grappling, joint manipulations, locks, restraints/traps, throws, and vital point striking also appear. A karate practitioner is called a karateka.
- È impossibile, data la mancanza di fonti storiografiche certe, descrivere la nascita e l'evoluzione del Karate dalle sue origini a oggi. Meglio così, almeno ci si può sbizzarrire con la fantasia.
- e um estilo de luta Categoria:Estilos de luta
- Many years later, Xaq tried to use Karate again, on an Ape-Ball. But his techniques only succeeded in getting him killed, forcing him to Save Game. (Series 2: "Xaq to the Future") Slappy also knew some Karate. ("Experiments Game")
- El kárate o karate (空手道 karatedō?, el camino de la mano vacía) es un arte marcial moderno (現代武道 gendai budō?) de origen japonés. Surge oficialmente en el año 1933, a partir de los sistemas de combate existentes en Okinawa y se populariza en el Japón gracias a Gichin Funakoshi. Se caracteriza por el empleo de golpes de puño y patadas, aunque no restringe su repertorio sólo a ellos. Los practicantes de este arte son denominados karatecas.
- Karate is a form of martial arts that is natively taught in Japan, with one of its advanced forms being ninjitsu, the art of the ninja. In "Karate Clumsy", the Mouse Master tries to teach Clumsy the basic steps of karate native to his mice people so he could be able to rescue his fellow Smurfs from the evil ninja rat who has captured them. In the Nintendo DS Smurfs 2 one of the mini-games called "Clumsy Kung-Fu" features Clumsy doing karate. In the Smurfs comic books, judo is the martial arts that's performed by the Smurfs.
- Karate (空手; "empty hand") is a Japanese martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands (what is now Okinawa) under the influence of Chinese martial arts.
- Un nombre utilizado para un grupo de artes marciales desarrollado en Okinawa, este estilo se caracteriza por movimientos rápidos repentinos y su naturaleza lineal. Los estilos de karate importantes incluyen Shotokan, Shorin Ryu y Goju Ryu, entre otros. Johnny Cage usa este estilo en Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance y en Mortal Kombat:Tournament Edition. Estilos de Kombate
- Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa, Japan) from indigenous fighting methods te (手, literally: "hand") and Chinese kenpō. Karate is characterized as a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes and open-handed striking techniques such as knife-hands (the famous "karate chop") and palm strikes. Grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes are taught in some styles. A karate practitioner is called as a karateka.The WKF claims that there are 100 million practitioners worldwide.
- There has been 9 Style of Karate in the History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi.
- orientard (prayed by ren Maxwerr) is a gi-crad martiar arts expert and Batfink's oafish orientard sidekick who drives the Battirrac.
- Karate ist eine Kampfsportart. Verschiedene Fischmenschen beherrschen eine spezielle Art des Karate, das sie auch unter Wasser einsetzen können: Das Gyojin Karate.
- Karate 'é estilo de luta usado por Liu Kang em Mortal Kombat II, Johnny Cage em Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, e também é usado por Mokap em Deadly Alliance. Em Mortal Kombat: Deception este estilo foi renomeado pela primeira vez como Shorin Ryu e dado a Kobra, então, como Shinto Ryu e dado a Darrius. Em Mortal Kombat: Armageddon este estilo foi devolvido a Johnny Cage mas nomeado como Shorin-Ryu. A posição de combate também é semelhante ao Shotokan de Sub-Zero, que é o estilo de Karate originais fundada por Gichin Funakoch
- Karate is a karate school led by Akira in Springfield.
- Karate is a form of martial arts developed in Japan. Karate originated from Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, and was influenced by Chinese martial arts minus the use of weapons which were prohibited to certain classes in Japan. It is primarily a striking art using punching, kicking, knee and elbow strikes and open-handed techniques such as knife-hands and ridge-hands. Grappling, locks, restraints, throws, and vital point strikes are taught in some styles.
- Karate is a type of martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands, developed from indigenous fighting methods called "te" (手, literally "hand") and Chinese kung fu. A karate practitioner is called a "karateka".
- Karate is a direct send-up of Kato, the Green Hornet's companion, but his hulking size is inspired by the James Bond villain Oddjob. In early episodes, his voice is a stereotypical Asian accent, but in later episodes, Len Maxwell adopts a clipped and nasal speech pattern. This was inspired by Don Adams, whose Get Smart character, Maxwell Smart, was popular at the time. Karate on occasion even utters the Maxwell-inspired catchphrase, "Sorry about that, Batfink." Karate was usually ordered to check downstairs, while Batfink checked the upper floor.
- Karate – starożytna japońska sztuka walki o dość tajemniczej historii i nie do końca sprecyzowanym celu istnienia. Zawiera dużo dziwnych i generalnie zbędnych technik wymuszających na ćwiczącym tak absurdalne ruchy jak podnoszenie nogi powyżej pasa czy gardę z wyprostowanymi palcami dłoni. Karate jest jedną z odmian sztuk walki Dalekiego Wschodu. Do najsłynniejszych odmian wschodnich sztuk walk należy kung fu wymyślone w Chinach, z którego to karate bierze swój początek. Ojczyzną i centrum sztuki wojennej kung fu w Chinach jest klasztor Shaolin, o którym krążą legendy i o którym nakręcono mnóstwo filmów, zwłaszcza w Hong Kongu. Człowieka cywilizacji Zachodu w zdumienie wprawiają umiejętności wojenne nabyte przez mieszkańców klasztoru Shaolin. Znane są na przykład: pompki wykonywane na nosi
- Karate is an Okinawan fighting style used by Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat II, Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, and is also used by Mokap in Deadly Alliance. In Mortal Kombat: Deception, karate as a catch-all of the style was expanded to the Okinawan Shorin Ryu used by Kobra, and as the erroneously named Shinto Ryu (A typographical error meant to either be Shindo or Shito Ryu, both styles founded on the Japanese mainland) used by Darrius. In Mortal Kombat: Armageddon this style was returned to Johnny Cage but named as Shorin-Ryu. The fighting stance, commonly held by the "aggressor" in one-step sparring (Ippon Kumite) technique practice, is also similar to Sub-Zero's Shotokan, which is the most commonly practiced style of karate in the world, founded by Gichin Funakoshi.
- Karate was a type of martial art which was developed in Japan on Earth from older Chinese martial art forms. It included poses and movements called katas or forms. Individuals who practiced karate could advance in rank depending on their level of training or expertise. Beginners started off as a "white belt", and could progress through other coloured belts, including brown, to become a "black belt". There were at least five different levels, or degrees, within the black belt rank.(TOS novel: Prime Directive, ST novel: A Singular Destiny)
- Karate (Japanese: 外人です) is a martial art of running away like a girl while crushing tin cans with the bare hands as a party trick. It is also one of the martial arts that is very notorious for its abundant use of pointy sticks. The inhabitants of the island of Okinawa, now part of Japan, are beings who are usually peaceful, kind and about 3 feet tall. But in the sculpting art of karate, they can have an outlet for their wer arranging. They use guns, tanks, sticks (pointy and blunt), swords, knives, nunchuks, and occasionally weapons of mass destruction to bring the sculptures into the desired shapes. Karate is for big fat girls who have beards. Chuck Norris will own a pot belly soon.