| - Master Sarktes, born as Sarktes Venatrix, and nicknamed Sar by his friends and family, and Maverick and the Wandering One by others. He was a wise Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Master before the devastating Clone Wars and the rise of the Empire. Sarktes was reported to have disappeared after the declaration of Order 66 and was later classified as KIA even though there was no evidence of his death. Unknown to the Empire, Sarktes would mysteriously reappear, having survived Order 66 as well as the Great Jedi Purge through unknown means. Sarktes would later join the Rebel Alliance and serve the Alliance as an Infiltrator of the SpecForce 5th Regiment using his various Force Powers to accomplish his assigned objectives. Sarktes was often called Maverick due to his unflinching belief that the Sith Order would rise again even though his theories would be unproven time after time. However, his belief would eventually become reality and it would lead to the near extinction of the Jedi Order and the dissolution of the Old Republic. Hailing from an Unnamed Outer Rim World, Sarktes was brought to the Jedi Order at an early age, possibly when he was an infant. Showing a talent in Force applications, Sarktes would apprenticed to Jedi Master Altos Patronus. After the unfortunate death of his Master, he was left masterless and could not be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. However, Grand Master Yoda promoted him, with the belief that Sarktes had already gone through the trials through his deeds. Upon reaching Knighthood, Sarktes took a young and promising Shistavenen named Rroowik Lon as his Padawan Learner. After years of successful missions and the creation of his lightsaber, Sarktes deemed that it was the right time to promote his apprentice. He had Rroowik Lon undergo the Jedi Trials and his apprentice would soon return to him as a Jedi Knight. Sarktes would then be promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. He chose not to take another Padawan, instead, he chose to undertake solo missions in the Outer Rim Territories. Called the Wandering One by several inhabitants of the Outer Rim, his deeds and skills became known to the Jedi Order. Eventually, Sarktes was called back to the Jedi Temple. Due to his mastery of the Force and his superior lightsaber skills, Sarktes served as a member of the Jedi High Council until his early resignation prior to the Stark Hyperspace War. Sarktes Venatrix was present at the Battle of Geonosis, lending his aide to the Clone Forces. Sarktes was able to survive the battle but many of his comrades weren't so fortunate, having been killed at the Pentranaki Arena. His former Padawan was also present at the Battle and through sheer amounts of luck and skill, was able to survive with minor injuries. He would serve as a Senior Jedi General in the Clone Wars and he garnered a reputation of being a very tactical and effective general. The men under his service greatly respected their General, with them calling him Strategic Saviour due to many of his lifesaving strategies. Upon the declaration of Order 66, Sarktes would mysteriously disappear, reappearing several years later as an Infiltrator. After the fall of the Empire, Sarktes was recruited by Luke Skywalker to be a teacher and mentor to Luke's fledgling students. Serving diligently as a Teacher and Mentor, Sarktes gained the respect of most if not all of the students at the Jedi Praxeum, who often saw Sarktes as their Grandfather, even though he looked to be around Luke's age physically. Once enough students entered knighthood, Sarktes stepped down as a teacher and became the caretaker of the Praxeum's extensive gardens. However, his time as caretaker was cut short with the outbreak of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Sarktes Venatrix served the Republic once again as one of the many Jedi Operatives. Performing exceedingly well in the war, Sarktes was expected to survive but his life was unfortunately cut short when he was betrayed by the Peace Brigade. Being given up to the Yuuzhan Vong, Sarktes fought his last battle against his attackers. He was eventually overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong, having been cut down by the multitude of amphistaffs. Before he fell, Sarktes unleashed the full extent of his force powers, taking all of the warriors down with him. Having become one with the force, his death was felt by all in the New Jedi Order.