| - (scene cuts to a theatre stage assumably in London) Announcer: Ladies, gentlefish, anybody who isn't Travis, welcome to Spongy Questions! Please welcome our host, the absorbent, yellow SpongeBob SquareBrain! (SpongeBob enters and sits on a red chair opposite to Patrick) SpongeBob: Thank you, thank you. Now, before we begin do you know what we didn't do last episode? Patrick: We didn't bring the strippers out. SpongeBob: Umm... no. You didn't open Gary's letter! Patrick: Oh right. SpongeBob: Now who wrote last episode? Camera Man: Calaz. Audience: Spongy Questions! SpongeBob: I... I... I have a wiki?
| - (scene cuts to a theatre stage assumably in London) Announcer: Ladies, gentlefish, anybody who isn't Travis, welcome to Spongy Questions! Please welcome our host, the absorbent, yellow SpongeBob SquareBrain! (SpongeBob enters and sits on a red chair opposite to Patrick) SpongeBob: Thank you, thank you. Now, before we begin do you know what we didn't do last episode? Patrick: We didn't bring the strippers out. SpongeBob: Umm... no. You didn't open Gary's letter! Patrick: Oh right. SpongeBob: Now who wrote last episode? Camera Man: Calaz. SpongeBob: We're screwed. (laughter) Anyway time to answer some... Audience: Spongy Questions! SpongeBob: Exactly! (hands Patrick a drill) Pat, now you can't ruin the running gag. Anyway, let's get to the point! RadioGuy24 asks: SpongeBob: I... I... I have a wiki? Camera Man: And a fanon one. SpongeBob: (voices changes) That's really creepy. Patrick: SpongeBob, get into character. We go through this all the time in the rehearsals. SpongeBob: (clears throat) Sorry, Mr. Star. Patrick: Mrs. Star! SpongeBob: But you're a... nevermind. TheCreepyPastaLover Ask: SpongeBob: ... (cricket chirp) Itsshehahn, Itsshehahnbro asks: Do you know Peter Griffin? SpongeBob: Do I know Peter Griffin? (rips the mask from his face revealing Peter Griffin) Peter Griffin: I am Peter Griffin! (sarcastically) Shock horror, I know! Patrick: You're Peter Griffin? SpongeBob: Nope. Patrick: How'd you... SpongeBob: (points to his right) This direction... In reality I'm also Perry, Dipper, Julien, Bob, Micheal Jackson, Debby, Jim, Timbuktu, B-Dog... Patrick: Wow... Who's Perry? I mean... Who's Perry? SpongeBob: Don't ask me! Unfortunately that's all the time we have today, Patrick: But up next is a show! Bye! I love you! X x x! SpongeBob: And we'd appreciate it if you sent us some would you rathers! (clapping) Patrick: What's a... Nevermind. (episode ends)