- A pillar is a piece of scenery found in Varrock museum, Observatory and at the entrances of Witchaven dungeon and Temple of Ikov. There is no way to interact with it other than to examine it.
- The Pillars were advanced devices created by the Transformers, most notably Sentinel Prime. These extremely advanced pieces of technology were used to transmit an artificial space bridge between the Moon and Earth to transport military weapons, war machines, star ships, vehicles and troops, as well as refugees, items and more.
- Newsmb 1394-1-.jpg|4 normal-sized Pillars in World 7's Castle. Newsmb 1386-1-.jpg|2 Giant Pillars in World 7's Castle in NSMB Wii. Pillar NSMBW-1-.png|The official artwork of NSMB Wii's Pillar. Untitled_picture-Jagged_Jewel-Puzzle_Piece.png|Some spiked pillars in Jagged Jewels of Donkey Kong Country Returns.
- Pillars are always found indoors, usually in large castles or ruins. Pillars are primarily found in the 2D games such as Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. Pillars provide +1 bonus to defense and + 20 bonus to avoid, allowing a unit to take cover to take less damge, and avoid attacks. Pillars act as the indoor counterpart to forests, with identical bonuses. The pillar is also like the forest in that it takes two remaining move tiles (three for mounted units) to go onto or past the pillar.
- [verbe du premier groupe] [piˈʎaɾ] Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* voler, dérober, prendre par la force → hurtar, robar 2.
* prendre, attraper, saisir → agarrar, aprehender, coger 3.
* ()Catégorie:Familier prendre sur le fait, découvrir une tromperie, apprendre un secret, surprendre quelqu'un lors d'une négligence → , descubrir, sorprender 4.
* acquérir, acheter, trouver → adquirir, comprar, encontrar, tomar 5.
* ()Catégorie:Argot jouer
- The Pillar device was created for inter-dimensional travel by Shawn, Grant, and Rebecca. Financed by Kadir's organization, ultimately sabotaged by Kadir. It was discovered the device existed in multiple dimensions. The Pillar uses a homing beacon to return to its home dimension frequency created by Shawn.
- Pillar: +50 Lock if no MP has been used during the turn .
- The Pillar of Cephiro is the person who constantly prays for peace and the well-being of all people of Cephiro. They are both a literal and figurative support for the land. Because they have to pray for Cephiro, they are not allowed to think of anything else. Thus, it becomes a problem if the Pillar happens to fall in love.
- [verbe du premier groupe] [piˈʎa] (or.), [piˈʎaɾ] (val.)Catégorie:Prononciation en catalan centralCatégorie:Prononciation en valencien Catégorie:Verbe du premier groupe 1.
* ()Catégorie:Familier piller, ravir → rapinyar, robar, saquejar 2.
* ()Catégorie:Familier attraper, choper → agafar, arrabassar 3.
* Si tens cataractes,pedres al ronyó,has pillat un ictuso un bon xarampió,pots anar al “seguru“.Ja t’ho trobaràs,les llistes d’espera són benllargues, llargues. (El conseller Boi, Polònia, TV3, 14/11/2013) Si tu as la cataracte, des calculs rénaux, que tu as chopé un ictus, ou une bonne rougeole, tu peux aller à la sécu. Tu la trouveras sans problèmes, les listes d’attente sont bien longues, longues 1.
* prononciation générale : [piˈʎa]
* va