| - With this being a crossover of two things with plenty of funny, there're a LOT of funny moments!
* In Chapter 1, as Soun's about to hug Ranma, cue Ran kicking Genma in the spine! Genma even uses a sign which says: OW! My Spine!
* Akane once again has a Naked First Impression..only instead of it being male Ranma, it's Ryoga and Fluttershy! No P-Chan this time around.
* Chapter 2: As the Mane Six are freaking out after getting cursed, what is Pinkie doing? Poking her boobs.
* Chapter 3: Shou(he wasn't named yet), asks if he can make a dating sim based on the new students. Then he realizes he's missing a hero and a tsundere. When Kuno barges in about the engagement:
* Shou:Thank you oh Gods of Dating Sims!
* Chapter 4: Emi gives Kuno the reasons why he won't charm any
| - With this being a crossover of two things with plenty of funny, there're a LOT of funny moments!
* In Chapter 1, as Soun's about to hug Ranma, cue Ran kicking Genma in the spine! Genma even uses a sign which says: OW! My Spine!
* Akane once again has a Naked First Impression..only instead of it being male Ranma, it's Ryoga and Fluttershy! No P-Chan this time around.
* Chapter 2: As the Mane Six are freaking out after getting cursed, what is Pinkie doing? Poking her boobs.
* Chapter 3: Shou(he wasn't named yet), asks if he can make a dating sim based on the new students. Then he realizes he's missing a hero and a tsundere. When Kuno barges in about the engagement:
* Shou:Thank you oh Gods of Dating Sims!
* Chapter 4: Emi gives Kuno the reasons why he won't charm any girl.
* To make the Hentai Horde back off, Pinkie does her Parasprite Polka..in pony form. The horde freaks out!
* When the girls are playing softball, Hiroshi and Daisuke start talking about how pretty the girls are..in a pervy fashion. Ranma just groans.
* After that, the Pinkie Sense kicks in..and Akane hits the softball right into Ranma. OUCH.
* Chapter 7: Ryoga's wanderings have made him a web sensation. He's even somehow gotten into Tokyo Disneyland without paying.
* When Akane gets help in her cooking. She forgets to check the labels. Cue random Pinkie song.
* Kuno gets bothered by birds while waiting for Ryoga to show up for their duel. Shou says it best:
* Shou: Looks like Kuno's sanity has gone to the birds.
* During the Kuno/Ryoga fight, Belle and Nabiki are selling T-shirts. One of them has "Kuno is a dope"; it sells out in five minutes.
* During said fight, after Ryoga breaks one of Kuno's bokkens:
* During Belle VS Kodachi, the two use Ryoga and Kuno as weapons..and the Pokemon battle theme plays, via Shou's iPod. The text even acts like the game's style. During chapter 20, Kuno tries to enter the cosplay party, and is promptly kicked out literally!
* Momo's quick costume changing causes a few nosebleeds.
* Eariler, Shou tries to sing karaoke Konata-style..and gets booed off the stage.
* Shou and Emi troll the Romeo and Juilet play in true Statler and Waldorf fashion; they're even in a convenient balcony!
* Ch. 64:
* The CMC get stuck in tree sap...yet again.
* Their epic fail at trying to make manga.
* Haruka pulling Rabbit Season Duck Season on the kid bullying them.
* Ms.Haruno's Christmas Cake line.