| - For his first comic series, Kahinuva wanted a different approach to the usual comic cliche. For one, he didn't want his series to have a intro comic with all of the characters just appearing there, or some unintelligent villain with the intention of taking over the studio, since none of these actually made sense. He decided to take a different viewpoint: a Comic Maker just trying to make his way through life paying taxes, dealing with lawyers, having to pay rent, etc. He also decided to use high quality backgrounds, sprites, and effects made with Photoshop rather than GIMP, since he was more familiar with Photoshop.
| - For his first comic series, Kahinuva wanted a different approach to the usual comic cliche. For one, he didn't want his series to have a intro comic with all of the characters just appearing there, or some unintelligent villain with the intention of taking over the studio, since none of these actually made sense. He decided to take a different viewpoint: a Comic Maker just trying to make his way through life paying taxes, dealing with lawyers, having to pay rent, etc. He also decided to use high quality backgrounds, sprites, and effects made with Photoshop rather than GIMP, since he was more familiar with Photoshop. Kahinuva then went and studied both excellent and noobish comics, trying to pinpoint what made the excellent ones excellent and the noobish ones noobish. After that, he then made his own custom backgrounds and started on his comic. His original intent was to use Chimoru Alpha, but quickly changed to Six Shade once he saw the pure epicness of it. He also "befriended the market" by going around and making himself known in other comics, so that by the time he released his comics he would have at least a small fanbase.