| - Years ago, in The Mushroom Kingdom Zoo, a little Tanooki named YoshiEgg Nook was born. YoshiEgg was a bit abnormal, considering his green fur and eyes, but everybody loved him. Almost everybody... Years later, YoshiEgg got a job working at the zoo, which his father owned. Unfortunatley, the only job left that was open was cleaning up elephant feces. His friends called YoshiEgg "PooperScoop" and made fun of his job and YoshiEgg didn't rather like the job. Plus, when he asked his father for a new job, he never listened. So, one night, YoshiEgg snuck out of his room and went to go find a new job and home. After a day or two, YoshiEgg stumbled across a mansion where his soon-to-be friend, McBoo lived. He kept hearing a scrawny-sounding Ttalian man scream "MAAAARIIIIOOO?!". But, that didn't sca
| - Years ago, in The Mushroom Kingdom Zoo, a little Tanooki named YoshiEgg Nook was born. YoshiEgg was a bit abnormal, considering his green fur and eyes, but everybody loved him. Almost everybody... Years later, YoshiEgg got a job working at the zoo, which his father owned. Unfortunatley, the only job left that was open was cleaning up elephant feces. His friends called YoshiEgg "PooperScoop" and made fun of his job and YoshiEgg didn't rather like the job. Plus, when he asked his father for a new job, he never listened. So, one night, YoshiEgg snuck out of his room and went to go find a new job and home. After a day or two, YoshiEgg stumbled across a mansion where his soon-to-be friend, McBoo lived. He kept hearing a scrawny-sounding Ttalian man scream "MAAAARIIIIOOO?!". But, that didn't scare him that much. Next to the mansion was a small, abandoned shack with a little bedroom in the back. YoshiEgg decided to take ownership of the shack and open up an item shop/Yoshi riding licensing buisiness, since his favorite animals in the zoo were Yoshis, hence the name YoshiEgg. Business was good. Life was good. But, back at the zoo, YoshiEgg had forgotten to lock the cage that held the most vicious, ferocious, and intelligent animal in The Mushroom Kingdom, The Groo. The Groo hated all Tanookis, especially YoshiEgg, because, in ancient times, the two species had a never-ending fued. Now, The Groo was the only Groo left in existance. The Groo then escaped from his cage and went out to eat YoshiEgg, along with his friends and family. Now, YoshiEgg has to save his friends, family, and himself!