The Autoclave can be obtained by successfully completing surgery or by purchasing it from the Sales-Man. If you exchange 20 of any type of tool (ig: Antibiotics) it will give you 1 of every other tool. (12 Tools.) ▶From the Sales-Man (Call 53785) From the Sales-Man Caduceus x200
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| - The Autoclave can be obtained by successfully completing surgery or by purchasing it from the Sales-Man. If you exchange 20 of any type of tool (ig: Antibiotics) it will give you 1 of every other tool. (12 Tools.) ▶From the Sales-Man (Call 53785) From the Sales-Man Caduceus x200
- An autoclave is a technological device used to sterilize medical instruments from microbes and other pathogens. Aboard Federation starships in the 23rd century, this medical device was available for the tools and instruments used by the Starfleet chief medical officer, doctors and nurses. In the year 2268, James T. Kirk noted Odona examining the autoclave in a facsimile of Doctor McCoy's work area in sickbay aboard a replica of the USS Enterprise. (TOS - Star Trek 6 novelization: The Mark of Gideon)
- A general term used for a device which uses steam pressurization for above-boiling-point heat sterilization. See pressure cooker. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Una autoclave es un dispositivo que sirve para esterilizar material médico o de laboratorio, utilizando vapor de agua a alta presión y temperatura para ello. La utilización de una autoclave inactiva todos los virus y bacterias, aunque recientemente se ha llegado a saber de algunos microorganismos, así como los priones, que pueden soportar las temperaturas de autoclave. El hecho de contener fluido a alta presión implica que las autoclaves deben ser de manufactura sólida, usualmente en metal, y que se procure construirlas totalmente herméticas.
- An autoclave was a small medical storage chamber. There were two autoclaves on either side of the imaging chamber in sickbay of NX-class starships. While attempting to ransack Enterprise NX-01, a Ferengi pirate leader named Ulis ordered Ferengi subordinates Muk and Grish to open the ship's autoclaves. The pair did so, Grish searching the autoclaves to the left of the bed while Muk looked in the compartments to the right, and all the while they were unknowingly being watched by T'Pol in Engineering. Grish found the autoclaves on his side empty, though Muk found a surgical instrument in the upper right autoclave. (ENT: "Acquisition")
- The primary function of an autoclave is to disinfect medical supplies and laboratory equipment, extending their useful lifespan. For example, blood-soaked Ace bandages are normally considered single-use items, but once placed in the autoclave, they are ready to wrap an entirely new set of oozing sores. In addition, the autoclave has a variety of other useful functions: it can be used as a makeshift sauna, for cooking a magnificent chicken bouillabaisse, or as a device to exterminate Jews.
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| - The Autoclave can be obtained by successfully completing surgery or by purchasing it from the Sales-Man. If you exchange 20 of any type of tool (ig: Antibiotics) it will give you 1 of every other tool. (12 Tools.) ▶From the Sales-Man (Call 53785) From the Sales-Man Caduceus x200
- Una autoclave es un dispositivo que sirve para esterilizar material médico o de laboratorio, utilizando vapor de agua a alta presión y temperatura para ello. La utilización de una autoclave inactiva todos los virus y bacterias, aunque recientemente se ha llegado a saber de algunos microorganismos, así como los priones, que pueden soportar las temperaturas de autoclave. Las autoclaves funcionan permitiendo la entrada o generación de vapor de agua pero restringiendo su salida, hasta obtener una presión interna de 103 kiloPa, lo cual provoca que el vapor alcance una temperatura de 121 grados centígrados. Un tiempo típico de esterilización a esta temperatura y presión es de 15 minutos. El hecho de contener fluido a alta presión implica que las autoclaves deben ser de manufactura sólida, usualmente en metal, y que se procure construirlas totalmente herméticas. Las autoclaves son ampliamente utilizadas en laboratorios e instituciones médicas, como una medida elemental de esterilización de material. Aunque cabe notar que debido a que el proceso involucra vapor de agua a alta temperatura, ciertos materiales no pueden ser esterilizados en autoclave (papel y plásticos por ejemplo). En otros contextos, la palabra autoclave se utiliza para referirse a una olla a presión de gran talla, utilizada para cocimiento en procesos industriales. En especial, se utilizan para la esterilización de conservas y alimentos enlatados cuyas características requieren un tratamiento por encima de los 100 grados centígrados. También se utiliza para tratar la madera para construcciones en exterior (pérgolas, porches, etc.) y así protegerla de parásitos.
- The primary function of an autoclave is to disinfect medical supplies and laboratory equipment, extending their useful lifespan. For example, blood-soaked Ace bandages are normally considered single-use items, but once placed in the autoclave, they are ready to wrap an entirely new set of oozing sores. In addition, the autoclave has a variety of other useful functions: it can be used as a makeshift sauna, for cooking a magnificent chicken bouillabaisse, or as a device to exterminate Jews. Despite the usefulness of the autoclave, market penetration of the device has been slow. A 1993 report by Consumer Reports found that average per-capita spending on autoclaves by private citizens was less than seven dollars, and that the median household autoclave maintenance bill was zero dollars.
- An autoclave is a technological device used to sterilize medical instruments from microbes and other pathogens. Aboard Federation starships in the 23rd century, this medical device was available for the tools and instruments used by the Starfleet chief medical officer, doctors and nurses. In the year 2268, James T. Kirk noted Odona examining the autoclave in a facsimile of Doctor McCoy's work area in sickbay aboard a replica of the USS Enterprise. (TOS - Star Trek 6 novelization: The Mark of Gideon)
- An autoclave was a small medical storage chamber. There were two autoclaves on either side of the imaging chamber in sickbay of NX-class starships. While attempting to ransack Enterprise NX-01, a Ferengi pirate leader named Ulis ordered Ferengi subordinates Muk and Grish to open the ship's autoclaves. The pair did so, Grish searching the autoclaves to the left of the bed while Muk looked in the compartments to the right, and all the while they were unknowingly being watched by T'Pol in Engineering. Grish found the autoclaves on his side empty, though Muk found a surgical instrument in the upper right autoclave. (ENT: "Acquisition") The term "autoclave" comes from the final draft scripts of "Acquisition" and "Singularity" . In the latter script, Doctor Phlox was described as "removing surgical instruments from an autoclave." [1] However, this action isn't shown in the final edit of that episode.
- A general term used for a device which uses steam pressurization for above-boiling-point heat sterilization. See pressure cooker. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.