| - Illusions, or Mindforms, are Dark Side Force manifestations, that when conjured through Sith Magic, create visible, lifelike astral projections of whatever the conjurer desires. The illusions touch all of an individual's sensory perceptions, and only through concentration on the Force is an individual able to perceive them as being false. This technique was believed to be lost until it was rediscovered by Darth Sirena.
| - Illusions, or Mindforms, are Dark Side Force manifestations, that when conjured through Sith Magic, create visible, lifelike astral projections of whatever the conjurer desires. The illusions touch all of an individual's sensory perceptions, and only through concentration on the Force is an individual able to perceive them as being false. By simply gesturing with one's hands, a Sith magician can create whatever manifestations are desired. As an application of the Dark Side, sorcerers tend to create hideous forms of serpents and other creatures to torment victims. Playing on all the victim's senses, the illusion can seemingly attack individuals, should they actually believe the apparition to be real. However, the illusion can be undone should the victim cease to believe it exists. The illusions can also be undone if the conjuring sorcerer is interrupted by a powerful Light Side attack This technique was believed to be lost until it was rediscovered by Darth Sirena.