| - TCC stands for "театральная/сценическая система", translating from Russian to "Theatrical/Scenic System", a system somewhat like FFC. Begun in Eastern European nations, where connection speeds are often poor, this allows role players to indulge in the pyrotechnics of combat, with rules like FFC. Online games are often too demanding for the low connection speeds, and virtual worlds like SL where players may control the rules have gained more popularity.
| - TCC stands for "театральная/сценическая система", translating from Russian to "Theatrical/Scenic System", a system somewhat like FFC. Begun in Eastern European nations, where connection speeds are often poor, this allows role players to indulge in the pyrotechnics of combat, with rules like FFC. Online games are often too demanding for the low connection speeds, and virtual worlds like SL where players may control the rules have gained more popularity. The result is much more like a stage/movie fight, which these RPers see as the norm actually. Their feeling is that they are recreating a movie-like experience. The combatants pre-plan the fight (they know the outcome; others do not and may not even be aware a fight will occur), which will very often alter or affect the course of RP/storyline. So weapons are fired, light sabers swung, the combatants may trade verbal jibes, have dialogue during the battle, cover the entirety of a sim in their battle. Any outcome is possible; one or more people may be injured, rather than totally incapacitated, people may escape a battle, maybe nobody is hurt and somebody flees, all may be killed, someone may be captured, people may call a draw, stalemates reached.....the options are endless. It is not like a metered combat where one looses and one wins. ANYTHING can occur, and the story may be influenced in many, many ways.