| - The trilobite was actually a lifeform from another planet, one of several introduced to Earth by a family of intergalactic tourists when their aquarium failed.
- The Trilobite was the result of Charlie Holloway being infected with Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15 and engaging in sexual intercourse with Elizabeth Shaw. It is not made clear if the creature was conceived by their intercourse or if the infant creature merely moved into Shaw from the infected Holloway. It is unknown how the creature gets out of its host "naturally", as Shaw removes it prematurely; however its exaggerated movements prior to this suggest that it "bursts" like Bellybursters, emerging from the host's abdomen.
- This invertebrate was seen in Trevor's nightmare. It was seen crawling on a trilobite fossil and it heard Max running from the evil Albino Giganotosaurus that it flees. Sean was told to eat his trilobite to keep up his strength, but it seemed pretty nasty to eat it raw.
- Il Trilobite (Triorecchius Crostaceae) è un'innocuo crostaceo preistorico il cui habitat naturale era il Mar Mediterrone dell'Era Democristiana, la sua estinzione è probabilmente dovuta ad un prosciugamento del mare ad opera del tuffo d'un cavernicolo che si era appena mangiato 5 mammut.
- The Trilobites were animals in the Cambrian. They were water-based invertebrates. Image:Direwolf.jpgWhat possiblly could be wrong? This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Trilobites were invented on October 6th 1337 B.C. by Steven Spielberg to be used as extras in his critically acclaimed film Harry Potter and the Cambrian Explosion, based on the book by George Bernard Shaw. Trilobites are small and furry, and reproduce if you get them wet after midnight. To keep themselves entertained, trilobites drew on Precambrian rocks with their feet; some of their most famous works include the Ediacara Fauna and the Burgess Shale.
- Trilobite is an iconic extinct Paleozoic sea-dwelling arthropod in geology and paleontology. The trilobite is a far and ancient cousin to modern insects and hard shelled ocean animals. See . Or refer to any university/high school level geology textbooks for details.
- The trilobite is a stand-alone fossil that can be donated to the museum in all Animal Crossing series games to date.
- Extremely rare fish. Can be exchanged for 800 - 1200 to NPC Albert
- Trilobites were extinct arthropods that form the class Trilobita. When Trilobites appear in the fossil record of the Lower Cambrian they are already highly diverse and geographically dispersed. Trilobites appeared in the Middle Cambrian period, they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era before beginning a drawn-out decline to extinction. During the Late Devonian extinction, all Trilobite orders, with the exception of Proetida, died out.
- Trilobites (/ˈtraɪlɵbaɪt/, /ˈtrɪlɵbaɪt/; meaning "three lobes") are a fossil group of extinct marine arthropods that form the class Trilobita. Trilobites form one of the earliest known groups of arthropods. The first appearance of trilobites in the fossil record defines the base of the Atdabanian stage of the Early Cambrian period (521 million years ago), and they flourished throughout the lower Paleozoic era before beginning a drawn-out decline to extinction when, during the Devonian, all trilobite orders except Proetida died out. Trilobites finally disappeared in the mass extinction at the end of the Permian about 250 million years ago. The trilobites were among the most successful of all early animals, roaming the oceans for over 270 million years.
- By the time trilobites first appeared in the fossil record they were already highly diversified and geographically dispersed. Because trilobites had wide diversity and an easily fossilized exoskeleton an extensive fossil record was left behind, with some 17,000 known species spanning Paleozoic time. The study of these fossils has facilitated important contributions to biostratigraphy, paleontology, evolutionary biology and plate tectonics. Trilobites are often placed within the arthropod subphylum Schizoramia within the superclass Arachnomorpha (equivalent to the Arachnata), although several alternative taxonomies are found in the literature.
- Trilobite fossils can be found in the rocks of all continents, and other than missing the finer, delicate structures such as antennae; and legs, are frequently found in good condition. The smallest specimens can be only a millimeter long, whereas the largest found are over 70 centimeters. They are composed of a cephalon (head), made of various fused sections; a thorax composed of freely articulating segments; and a pygidium (tail). The tri in trilobite, however, is from the three lengthwise body lobes which comprises the whole of the animal through its various segments.