| - Brainy walks Clumsy home to his house before returning to his own, but on his way to his own house, Brainy sees a dark shadowy figure in the form of a ghost appearing before him which scares him. Safe inside his house, Brainy starts to settle down in his bed to sleep, but then he hears a painful moaning noise nearby that makes him shake in fear. Outside, Jokey comes by Brainy's house with a Poltersmurf cutout on a retractable arm, ready to play a prank on his fellow Smurf by extending the arm through the window and showing the Poltersmurf before Brainy's face. Brainy ducks behind the covers at the sight of the Poltersmurf and reaches for his glasses to see what the apparition actually is before him, but by the time he peers out from under the covers, it is gone. Thinking that it must be the wind, Brainy settles down to sleep again when the Poltersmurf reappears in his house, scaring him so badly that he hides himself under the covers. At the breakfast table, Brainy tries to explain his encounter with the Poltersmurf in his house to his fellow Smurfs. Some of his friends don't believe him, but Jokey is quick to believe Brainy's claims and offers to go inside his house to make sure. As the two of them enter, Brainy is frightened when he sees all his furniture hanging upside down from the ceiling. Jokey offers a method through which Brainy could get rid of the Poltersmurf in his house by painting his friend with purple spots and having him recite a chant that would evict the spirit. As Brainy walks backwards and recites the chant, he runs into Smurfette and Greedy, who ask him what he's doing. As Brainy tries to explain, Jokey is busy resetting everything in Brainy's house back to the way it was before, so that when Brainy tries to show Smurfette and Greedy the "proof" that there was a Poltersmurf in his house, they end up leaving with laughter. A short while later, when Jokey has Brainy spinning around on his head while holding a feather in each hand in another attempt to evict the Poltersmurf, Papa and Grandpa Smurf both come around to ask what Brainy is doing at the moment. Clumsy explains the situation, to which Papa Smurf replies that there are no such things as Poltersmurfs, while Grandpa tries to add that they have all been locked away in Castle Darkmore, to which Papa Smurf says Grandpa's name as if he didn't want to hear anymore of Grandpa's stories. While Papa and Grandpa both go off together in one direction to investigate the matter and Jokey goes off in another to look for more ways to evict a Poltersmurf, Brainy decides that the only way they can prove that a Poltersmurf isn't running loose in the village is for Clumsy to go to Castle Darkmore and prove that the Poltersmurfs are all locked away. As Papa and Grandpa both go into Brainy's house to see the matter for themselves, they both encounter a Poltersmurf greeting them at the door, though Papa Smurf soon realizes that the Poltersmurf at the door is merely a puppet on a string being dropped down. As they enter the house and see that all of Brainy's furniture is now hanging from the ceiling again, Papa catches Jokey hanging around by the window and asks if he would happen to know anything about Brainy's haunted house. Jokey says that he was trying to get Brainy back for making fun of Grandpa's stories about Poltersmurfs by saying that they weren't true, which makes Grandpa say that he was hoping that it would be true. Meanwhile, Brainy and Clumsy are both heading to Castle Darkmore, with Brainy pushing Clumsy along on their journey together, hoping to find evidence that would back Grandpa Smurf's claim about the Poltersmurfs. As they enter deep into the dark foreboding castle, they both run into a stone slab laid against a wall with some mysterious writing etched into it. Brainy looks at the writing and recites the words that are written on the slab, which then makes the slab move to one side and open a door through which ghostly spirits exit and head out from the castle. Brainy and Clumsy both realize that they were the Poltersmurfs that were locked away, and now they have been let loose. Back in the Smurf Village, Smurfette is sweeping the dust from her doorstep when a Poltersmurf comes and tries to frighten her. Smurfette thinks this is one of Jokey's pranks and tries to shoo it away, but the Poltersmurf grabs the broom from her and chases her with it, making her cry out for Papa Smurf. A few Poltersmurfs were in Painter's house, making a mess with his paints and canvases, while Painter bravely tries to fight off one of them with a paintbrush only to eventually step in a bucket of paint and run for his life. A few more were in Harmony's house, playing around with his instruments, which Harmony doesn't mind at first because at least they were making music, but then they get a bit too vicious with the instruments, causing Harmony to leave his house while being stuck inside a tuba. The Smurfs that were affected by the Poltersmurfs' presence gather inside Papa Smurf's house to address their problems to Papa and Granpda Smurf, but before they could say anything, Grandpa sees the Poltersmurfs come into Papa Smurf's house to wreak havoc. At that moment, Brainy and Clumsy arrive to warn the Smurfs that the Poltersmurfs are coming, only to find out that they are already here in the village. As Papa and Grandpa go out to see where all the Poltersmurfs have gone, they find Jokey standing outside his own house, with Jokey saying that they have gotten into his joke candies and are now eating them. Grandpa then remembers as he holds his nose to the smell of the candies that the Poltersmurfs like garlic and onions, and from that Papa Smurf has an idea of how to get rid of the spirits. Soon, Greedy is filling Jokey's and Brainy's sacks with the same kind of potent-smelling candy as Jokey's joke candies, with Papa Smurf saying that if they like those candies just as much as the joke candies, they may be able to lead them out of the village and back to Castle Darkmore. Greedy, Brainy, and Jokey begin leaving a trail of candies for the Poltersmurfs to follow and gobble up as they, Papa, and Grandpa head for Castle Darkmore, but before they could reach the castle, Jokey finds out that his candies are all gone, and the four Smurfs discover that Greedy has eaten most of the remaining candies on the way. Greedy's breath begins to emit a powerful odor that makes Papa Smurf realize an alternate course of action is needed to keep attracting the Poltersmurfs: they simply have Greedy whistle the Smurf song with the odor of his breath drawing the Poltersmurfs after them into the castle. They return to the room covered over with the stone slab with the writing, and Brainy tries to recite the words to open the door but nothing happens. Papa Smurf tells him it's because he was holding his nose, and so Brainy recites the words again without holding his nose, and the slab moves aside to open the door. As for how to draw the Poltersmurfs back into the room, Papa Smurf pulls out a candy from underneath his hat and throws it into the room, which draws the Poltersmurfs into the room to go after while Papa Smurf has his little Smurfs move the slab back in front of the door to seal it again. With the Poltersmurfs back where they belong, the five Smurfs return to the village, Papa Smurf has Jokey apologize to Brainy for scaring him with his tricks. Brainy tries to tell Jokey that there's no way he could be scared with one of his tricks, but as soon as he hears a ghostly moan, Brainy jumps and hides behind Papa Smurf in fear. Papa Smurf tells Brainy that there is no Poltersmurf, but rather it is merely Greedy moaning because he has eaten too much of Jokey's candy and now has a stomachache.