| - Jintha'Alor is built in a series of tiers, each populated by a certain level-range and class mix of Vilebranch trolls. Your objective, in most of the quests undertaken here, is to reach the topmost tier where the altar and important people are. Others happen along the way, including File:Horde 15.png [50] Dark Vessels (loot small, slow-respawning bubbling cauldrons scattered around the tiers), File:Horde 15.png [51] Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village (gives a nice reward for melee and hunters), and File:Horde 15.png [50] Separation Anxiety, which involves finding two items on the highest tier. Alliance characters will want to be able to do the chain that eventually gives File:Alliance 15.png [53] Saving Sharpbeak, which has a popular scripted event at its completion, and both
| - Jintha'Alor is built in a series of tiers, each populated by a certain level-range and class mix of Vilebranch trolls. Your objective, in most of the quests undertaken here, is to reach the topmost tier where the altar and important people are. Others happen along the way, including File:Horde 15.png [50] Dark Vessels (loot small, slow-respawning bubbling cauldrons scattered around the tiers), File:Horde 15.png [51] Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village (gives a nice reward for melee and hunters), and File:Horde 15.png [50] Separation Anxiety, which involves finding two items on the highest tier. Alliance characters will want to be able to do the chain that eventually gives File:Alliance 15.png [53] Saving Sharpbeak, which has a popular scripted event at its completion, and both factions will want to run Zul'Farrak to be able to complete File:Neutral 15.png [50] The Ancient Egg, which leads into Sunken Temple and Lower Blackrock Spire. For people who are not interested in fighting their way through all the levels it should be noted that there is a quick way to skip the bottom tiers; The hills to the east of the entrance (near the graveyard) allow easy access to a piece of wall about halfway up. As an important note, two instances have key boss-unlocking events here. These will be the first and pretty much only unlocking quests a player will encounter before high-level endgame instances, so it's strange that one has a very difficult time finding a group for this area. Though all the quests here can be soloed, you should be beware; the mobs are packed in tight groups, which can cause aggro problems.