The Vaul are a robotic race created by the Xel'Naga, but not a chosen race such as the Protoss and Zerg. As secrecy is essential for their goals, they primarily use agents that can blend in with the other races or perform clandestine transactions through multiple parties. By doing so, the Vaul have subtly influenced the development of all three races in technological and biological evolution.
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| - The Vaul are a robotic race created by the Xel'Naga, but not a chosen race such as the Protoss and Zerg. As secrecy is essential for their goals, they primarily use agents that can blend in with the other races or perform clandestine transactions through multiple parties. By doing so, the Vaul have subtly influenced the development of all three races in technological and biological evolution.
- In the elven pantheon, Vaul is the armourer of the gods. He is the patron god of elven smiths, armourers and artisans. He appears a blind and crippled old man. In the War in Heaven, Vaul was kounded enslaved by Khaine and was forced to make weapons for him. Vaul was eventually freed but has harboured a hatred for the God of War ever since. Despite this, Vaul has never made any attempt to avenge himself for he knows that his pride is worth little when the cost is the extinction of a race. Vaul knows that in the End the Elves will need Khaine's strength and fury as much as they will need his own talents. His tears of shame fall down onto the mortal world where they find form as shards of flint.
- Vaul era el Dios de la Forja del panteón de la raza Eldar, hermano del Rey Fénix Asuryan y aliado principal de Isha y Kurnous en su lucha contra el Dios de la Guerra Eldar, Khaine. Es la deidad patrona de todos los artesanos mencionados en la Mitología Eldar, así como de los artesanos y forjadores mortales de la especie, entre los que destaca una pequeña secta de los principales artesanos psíquicos de los Eldar, los Aedas Óseos.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Krogan DMZ / Aralakh System / Sixth planet Prerequisite: Mordin: Old Blood or Grunt: Rite of Passage (Mass Effect 2) Prerequisite: Priority: Sur'Kesh (Mass Effect 3)
- Vaul ist ein Wasserstoff/Helium-Gasgigant, der nach einer alten kroganischen Gottheit benannt ist, die vor dem Pantheon nach Feinden Ausschau hielt. Die Monde des Gasgiganten sind nach einigen von Vauls unzähligen Augen und Ohren benannt. Der einzige Grund das Vaul-System zu besuchen, ist wissenschaftiche Neugier, und so etwas haben Kroganer nicht ...
- Vaul était autrefois une divinité du panthéon krogan chargée de protéger les royaume des dieux. Les lunes de cette géante gazeuse hydrogène-hélium ont toutes été nommées d'après la myriade d'yeux et d'oreilles de Vaul. La planète elle-même ne présente aucun intérêt en-dehors de la simple curiosité scientifique ... une caractéristique absente chez la plupart des Krogans.
- Vaul è il dio elfico della Forgia e della Metallurgia. Si dice che prima della creazione del mondo Vaul salvò Isha e Kornous dalle segrete di Khaine: promise al dio cento Spade di incommensurabile potere, allo scadere del tempo però Vaul aveva forgiato solo novantanove spade e per pareggiare diede a Khaine anche una spada mortale. Attraverso questo stratagemma riuscì a liberarei due Dei imprigionati. Questo fù l'inizio di una guerra fra Khaine e Vaul che venne chiamata "La guerra dei cieli". Vaul forgiò l'Arma definitiva, la spada che nno era risucito a completare ed essa era la più potente di tutte. La chiamò Anaris (Alba Luminosa), e con questa arma diede guerra a Khaine. Il combattimento fù lungo e Vaul diede del filo da torcere a Khaine il quale però infine lo sopraffece e il Dio della
- Vaul is armourer to the hosts of heaven and patron to blacksmiths and artisans. He is both crippled and blind, wounded in the ancient wars of the gods when he challenged Khaine. Enslaved to Khaine's will, Vaul is forced to make weapons of extraordinary power for the War God's eternal battle against the great enemy. Vaul has thus laboured for time untold but his hatred for Khaine has never slackened. Even so, the Maker nurtures no seed of rebellion, but bears his shame in silence; he knows that the Elves will need Khaine's fire and fury if they are to survive the great darkness that is coming, and even a god's pride is a little thing when set against the extinction of an entire race. So does Vaul's desire for revenge go unfulfilled -- just one more burden for his twisted body to bear.
- Vaul is the God of Smiths and all craftsmen as well as the brother of the Phoenix King Asuryan, the ruler of the Eldar patheon in Eldar Mythology. Vaul is the patron God of all artisans and a small sect of the Eldar's primary psychic craftsmen, the Bonesingers. Vaul was the architect and primary engineer of Asuryan's palace during the First Age of the Eldar. Before Asuryan created the barrier between the world of the Gods and of mortals that split the universe between the physical realm and the Immaterium, he was depicted as a busy man, always creating swords for the Eldar War God Khaine, creating or repairing the Needles of Fate for the Crone Goddess Morai-Heg, maintaining the hunting equipment of Kurnous, and performing all the other acts of divine craftsmanship required by the Eldar God
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- 178(xsd:integer)
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- 121(xsd:integer)
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| - Zone démilitarisée krogane
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| - Armourer of the Gods
- God of the Forge
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| - Planet View
- Planetenansicht
| - Krogan DMZ
- Kroganische DMZ
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