| - Keiko (66 BBY) is a girl haunted by the memories of a life she was forced to abandon. Like all members of her race she was born into the lush forests of Sylaria and raised by a patient mother and a loving father. She had a relatively normal Sylarian childhood until one day her parents were taken from her and she was forced to leave her beautiful home. Since then she has become bitter and cynical about life and the universe in general. Her master, though patient with her unpleasant attitude, has become greatly concerned about her well-being. Hatred is a path that leads to the dark side and Keiko's heart is filled to bursting with it.
- Keiko is a character in Superior Defender Gundam Force.
- She is Adam's wife and was kidnapped by the Nemesis and taken to the Aztec village where she is forced to stay. Her husband is forced to watch over a guardian stone so that no harm may come to her. The player then can choose to kill one of them or reunite the couple to obtain the guardian stone, returning the sky to normal.
- Hiban Keiko (火板(ひばん) 蛍子(けいこ)) is a scout character.
- Keiko (ケイコ) is a gorgeous college student who tutors high school students, who are studying for their entrance exams.
- The name "Keiko" can refer to:
* Asakura Keiko - The mother of the series main proganist Asakura Yoh.
* Oyamada Keiko - The mother of Oyamada Manta one of the series main characters.
- Kieko was Thomas Cahill's second wife, who he met in Japan after his sister Katherine betrayed him. They had four children, most notably Toyotomi Hideyoshi, ruler of Japan. She had six grandchildren.
- Keiko is ten years old and a Japanese-American girl who adores being energetic and optimistic. She is always seen on top of her favorite mode of transportation, her trademark skateboard. Be it with or without wheels, Keiko enjoys every minute of being on her skateboard because in the Dream Zone, her skateboard can hover. She likes to be seen as the unofficial leader of the team, because she is a go-getter who always likes to plan ahead and decide what is best for the group. She loves jumping headfirst into all situations.
- Keiko er en løshund som man finner i alle nabolag. Han kan bli adoptert av simmer som er venn med ham. Keiko er interessert i leker og være utendørs.
- Keiko is a young woman working as the assistant of doctor Arai in his animal clinic.
- Keiko - postać wspominana w serialu Xiaolin - pojedynek mistrzów, japońska przyjaciółka Kimiko; nie pojawiła się osobiście w żadnym z odcinków serialu, Kimiko kilka razy komunikowała się z nią przy pomocy palmtopa, dzieląc się swoimi przeżyciami z przygód mniszki Xiaolinu; niewiele o niej wiadomo, jej nazwisko jest nieznane.
- Keiko is the sexy sensei who teaches school to kids in the wasteland in Hope Town even though theres no society (as you need to know grammer and long division in Mad Max).
- Keiko was an ambassador of Hachiman to the Isles of the Dawn, but owing to the treacherous official Pantu, news of her delegation never even reached the ears of King Maior. As she prepared to return to Hachiman, she encountered a young peasant who was preparing to petition the king, and requested that word of her presence be conveyed to him - still unaware of Pantu's deception - and granted him the wooden plaque indicating his newfound diplomatic status.
- Keiko is one of the best friends of Rinko Nikaido. In the manga, she is bullied by Tamaki in school, and almost ended up dating The Rigani for money so she could pay off the bullies. Rinko steps in to stop her, which leads to The Rigani fighting Kinniku Mantaro. In the anime, she appears with Rinko and Tamaki during the Tel-Tel Boy fight, and in the same episode, Mantaro mistakes Rinko calling out to Keiko as cheering. During Mantaro's fight with Check Mate, Keiko realizes the one vote called in for Mantaro was by Rinko, which Rinko denied. Along with Rinko and Tamaki, Keiko cheers on Team AHO for the majority of the anime and manga. She is the second hostage up for grabs in the Poison Six Pack Arc, and she is saved by Gazelleman and Seiuchin, with Seiuchin catching her.
- thumb japanischer Name: Keiko deutscher Name: Keiko Geschlecht: weiblich Farbe des Digivices: unbekannt Sprecher: unbekannt Keiko ist eines der Kinder, die von Oikawa einen Teil von Kens Saat der Finsternis eingepflanzt bekamen. Nachdem die Saat gekeimt hatte und geerntet wurde, fiel auch sie in Ohnmacht und hatte, nachdem sie wieder aufgewacht war, sehr große Angst. Sie dachte, wie alle anderen auch, dass sie sterben müsse, doch durch den Zuspruch der Digiritter fasste sie neuen Mut und half schließlich durch ihre Energie dabei, MaloMyotismon zu vernichten.