| - The protagonist of the manga - pretty obvious given his name is in the title - he was a member of the Generation of Miracles team in his middle school days. Together with Kagami, he now aims to bring all of them down.
* Benched Hero: In the match against Seihou. The secondary reason is so that he can save his energy for the next match against Shuutoku, the primary reason is that the seniors want to avenge their loss against Seihou themselves.
* Berserk Button: Yeah, he's apathetic most of time but insult or injure his sempais' or friends.... you'd better watch out.
* Beware the Nice Ones: See above
* Confusion Fu
* Curtains Match the Window
* Deadpan Snarker
* Foil: To Kagami.
* High Hopes, Zero Talent: Kuroko was initially this when he was at Teikou, where despite being terrible at the game, he continued playing because of his love for basketball. Subverted later on when he gains his skill of misdirection.
* Meaningful Name: His name is also the name of stagehands in japanese theater who dress in black and are supposed to be perceived as invisible by the audience.
* The Nicknamer: Only one instance but...
* The Nondescript: His ability is a weaponized version of "being ignored": his misdirection skills gives him an advantage in steals, and his assists become nigh unpredictable. But even off-court, his teammates tend to forget he's there.
* Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Kagami. If you can't tell who's who, it's...
* Colour-Coded for Your Convenience.
* Averted back in Teikou when his light is Aomine whose color palette is darker shade of his.
* Sixth Ranger: Because of the nature of his basketball, he tends to be this.
* Spock Speak: He tends to speak very calmly and politely.
* Stealth Hi Bye
* The Stoic
* Team Spirit: His personal philosophy when it comes to basketball.
* Weak but Skilled: He doesn't have the talent or the build for basketball, but because of his highly refined and practiced skill at misdirection, he was able to achieve the status of the "Phantom Sixth Player" of the legendary Generation of Miracles. The other genius members of the team also acknowledge his skills, which is definitely saying something considering how arrogant all of them are.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: An especially explicit example, considering he manages to have light blue hair and yet go completely unnoticed, not only in everyday life, but during basketball games, when there are only nine other people besides him on the court.