| - Great Spiritual Energy: Despite lacking Bankai, Kenji was capable of fighting at the level of a Captain; he was notably fit to engage the likes of Van Satonaka and Margin Heart for extended durations as an equal, and also defeat his amnesiac father Dastan Shiba who was an ex-Captain in the Gotei 13. This was considered an especially noteworthy victory for Dastan was regarded as one of the few Captains to have power close to that of the original Gotei 13 Captains. He was capable of engaging both Lisa Yadōmaru and Hiyori Sarugaki in a two-on-one confrontation without being overwhelmed, despite Love noting they where being quite hard on him. He was outclassed however by Kei Yume; this suggested that Kenji's power still lacked refinement. His spiritual energy was sufficient enough to contend with a defective Battle Doll of Averian, though he was pushed to the absolute limit of his abilities as a result and only survived because he was fighting side-by-side with Van Satonaka. He was notably capable of expending certain quantities of spiritual power to cushion against incoming damage, if not dispelling it out-right; even at point-blank range. Once he obtained his Bankai Kenji became the strongest individual within the Ryū Order, second only to Kusaka Kori. Blut (血装 (ブルート), Burūto; German for "Blood", Japanese for "Blood Guise"): an ability stemming from Kenji's Tsuji status. Kenji used the ability instinctively for many years before being made aware of his Tsuji abilities, for he shattered one of Van's crystal spears with his bare hands: an unconscious use of the offensive Blut Arterie. He usually kept the defensive Blut Vene at maximum strength whilst bolstering his offence with his various lightning-themed abilities. This focus on defence enabled him to emerge from the explosion of a point-blank Cero detonated by Kenji's own lightning abilities with only a shattered mask and burnt clothing. Zanjutsu Mastery: Kenji's primary form of combat was Zanjutsu, which he usually engaged in with two blades; a katana and a wakizashi, with his style being an even blend of offence, defence and counter-strokes. His skills enabled him to cross blades with both Lisa and Hiyori two-on-one in difficult sparring sessions, and he could sustain this level for more than an hour. He further honed his skills mimicking the swordplay of the Sword Saint of Dreams Kei Yume, resulting in a highly personalized and adaptable Form he later made his own; his sheer ability, even with one blade, meant he could swiftly kill even experienced assassins. A clear indication of his advanced skill-set is his ability to battle Bankai-wielding foes with only his Shikai and emerge victorious, not to mention battling foes as powerful as Averian's Battle Dolls. He was able to maintain a solid solo defence against the latter whilst Van prepared to release his Rin'ne until presented with an opportunity to use Senka, which even Averian's Battle Doll considered dangerous. He was also capable of holding his own against the real Averian with only one arm with an injured Kazuma slung over his left shoulder, though Averian was holding back. Whilst in his uncontrolled Hollowfied form he perhaps showed the greatest example of his formidable prowess, temporarily holding his own against the Sword Saint of Dreams himself.
* Wan'nesu: Kenji was trained thoroughly in the combat forms of the ancient Yuengiri firstly by Kyoaku and secondly by Yoshiaki Hiroshi. He was capable of invoking an incomplete version of the Battle Aura prior to his second battle with Dastan Shiba, and used the teachings therein to develop the Jitsugen alongside Maki.
* Battle Aura (一戦霊気, Issenreiki): Kenji's Battle Aura was incomplete; Kyoaku stated that Kenji was capable of invoking a far greater power, but was thus far limited in its use. What he could use he and Kyoaku referred to as Suzaku (朱雀, Vermilion Bird) which was a style of offence Kenji first unveiled in his second battle with Dastan. The sheer speed and friction of his blade when striking causes it to be set aflame, and when he strikes his opponents with this burning blade he creates a phoenix-like silhouette of flames at his back that then descends on the opposition. The sheer intensity of the flames can burn through Espada-level Hierro and melt a foes body. In addition Suzaku burned for long enough and with enough intensity to strip Dastan of his time-based restoration, allowing Kenji to defeat his father with a decisive Jitsugen. Hakuda Expertise: Although not his preferred method of combat Kenji is nevertheless a dangerous opponent even when bare-handed, due in-part to the extensive martial-art training he received from Anika in his youth. After only a few days of further advanced training designed to combine his Hakuda blows with Kidō, his abilities had progressed to the point he could completely outmatch Jimi, who is himself a skilled operative of the Onmitsukidō. Hohō Expertise: Kenji was trained extensively in the art of high-speed movement by the original Flash Goddess Anika Shihōin. Coupled with his unique lightning-enhancement, Kenji was fit to keep pace with and even exceed the speed reached by Captain-class combatants. He was notably fit to react to Averian's blistering speed, even if it was by a hairsbreadth. His mastery extends to advanced Hohō techniques; Kenji can perform not only Senka and Utsusemi, but a number of speed-related techniques usually restricted to the Onmitsukidō.
* Senka (閃花, Flash Blossom): Kenji learned Senka from Anika during his youth. He attempted to use it against Averian's first Battle Doll, though the latter blocked it.
* Utsusemi (空蝉, Cast-Off Cicada Shell): Kenji learned Utsusemi from Anika during his youth. He successfully employed it against the real Averian during their first battle.
* Inazuma Utsusemi (稲妻空蝉, Lightning Cast-Off Cicada Shell): an improvement of Kenji's own invention utilizing Utsusemi and Aoi Inazuma. Kenji doesn't leave behind an after-image; he instead swaps places with a clone in his exact likeness composed of lightning which, when struck, violently electrocutes the attacker. Kidō Expertise: Kenji's skill with Kidō is immense; to such an extent the abilities he brought to bare against Van and the myriad uses he found for even the simplest spells, did much to counter the latter's equally as masterful crystal manipulation skills. He was capable of utilizing Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi against Averian despite earlier utilizing many spiritually-taxing techniques, and still maintained the necessary levels of stamina to continue fighting afterwards; this shows Kenji to be a masterful practitioner of Kidō techniques. He was also known to utilize Kidō spells to turn conditions stormy to better utilize his more powerful Shikai abilities, all without alerting his foe to his intent.
* Shunkō (瞬閧, Flash War Cry): Kenji learned Shunkō in a remarkably short period of time under Anika's tutelage, specifically five days. While this version was notably incomplete it allowed him to easily defeat Jimi, providing the strength required to casually crush his windpipe and rip his head free of his body. When used alongside his Quincy: Kampfstil and Hollow mask Kenji was, despite the differences in their base strength, injure the likes of Averian with a point-blank Jitsugen. He would eventually go onto master the art. During the battles over Kagamino City he demonstrated a number of elemental applications of Shunkō, amongst them fire and water.
* Hanki (反鬼, Reverse Demon): Kenji demonstrated the ability to nullify Kidō by hitting them with perfectly opposite speed and power, and also was capable of nullifying the movements of Jimi. He was capable of using this ability no matter which form of Shunkō he took.
* Kyūzō Shunkō (急増瞬閧, Explosion Flash War Cry): a form of Shunkō adopted by Kenji that utilizes the element of fire exclusively. He achieved this form by applying the basic principle of Shunkō to Suzaku, enabling him to wear the intense flames of his Battle Aura. Kyoaku remarked that Kenji had essentially used Shunkō as a bridge to make the Suzaku for suitable for protracted battle.
* Hōhai Shunkō (澎湃瞬閧, Surging Flash War Cry): a form of Shunkō adopted by Kenji that utilizes the element of water exclusively.
* Jitsugen (実現, Fulfillment): Kenji's signature attack which he and Maki Zhijun developed during their initial Wan'nesu training under Kyoaku. It's a potent wave of spiritual power released through one's Zanpakutō, similar to the Reīssen, and is capable of devastation on a massive scale. Even the real Averian was hesitant to face the attack head-on, which was accomplished without its incantation when used at full-power. Enhanced Strength: Kenji's strength with only arm was enough to parry the vicious strikes of Averian. Enhanced Durability: Kenji has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to shrug off even the most life-threatening of injuries. He has at times willingly allowed himself to be injured in close-quarters combat just so he may further attack his opposition. Against Averian's Battle Doll Kenji suffered having his shoulder pierced through by the Battle Doll's Zanpakutō, and then survived one of the latter's Cero with only middling injuries.