| - Starscream begins his attack on the Autobot reinforcements, easily smashing them aside and taunting them that he wished he'd brought drones instead. Arcee's attempts at rallying the troops and Armorhide's attempt at drawing fire have no effect. When Starscream calls in Scorponok to assist, the Autobots realise they can't win and the Earth-based group may be dead. Strongarm decides there's nothing left to lose then, and heads off to Earth with Arcee commanding the others to follow him. Which is just what Starscream wanted them to do - now they'll take out Megatron for him... Megatron continues to stalk the Hoover Dam for Bumblebee, trying to call him out before realising the Autobot is merely the distraction - one of the human's must have come with him. The mere suggestion of going off to kill the human draws a panicked Bumblebee out of hiding and Megatron swats him across the room. Meanwhile, Mikaela Banes comes under attack by Frenzy - dodging his projectiles and arming herself with a fire axe, she declares herself capable of defeating him and prepares to face him in mortal combat... Savannah, Georgia: having taken the same alternate forms as Payload drones and possessing borrowed security codes, Ironhide and Ratchet arrive at the Decepticon's All Spark facility. By destroying it, they can stop Earth being transformed into New Cybertron; Ironhide uses his demolition expertise to work out how to best manage this, but the All Spark will be destroyed in the process. Ratchet reluctantly decides to do it anyway... ...only for Bonecrusher to arrive with an army of drones! The security codes hadn't worked at all, he let them solely because he wanted to personally kill them - "now who's first for the scrap heap!"