| - While fighting their way to behead Onyxia, a beautiful young priest tended to the wounds of a fierce warrior by the name of Lechery. Known for his ferocity and ruthlessness, Lechery was stunned upon opening his eyes to see the beautiful priest, Purely, kneeling over him as she soothed his pain, readying him for battle once more. Lechery, not a night spent alone or with the same woman, had never seen such beauty, and knew without a doubt in that moment of clarity who he intended to spend the rest of his life with. January, Virtually was born.
| - While fighting their way to behead Onyxia, a beautiful young priest tended to the wounds of a fierce warrior by the name of Lechery. Known for his ferocity and ruthlessness, Lechery was stunned upon opening his eyes to see the beautiful priest, Purely, kneeling over him as she soothed his pain, readying him for battle once more. Lechery, not a night spent alone or with the same woman, had never seen such beauty, and knew without a doubt in that moment of clarity who he intended to spend the rest of his life with. Fully healed, Lechery successfully led the victory over the Dragon, Onyxia, with Purely to thank for his victory. Fighting his advances, Purely remained aloof and untouchable over the following months, as she was well aware of his reputation and was determined not to become another "notch in his bedpost." On the night of July 27th, the Alliance gathered to kill Blackwing. Despite all preparation, Blackwing prevailed and thus there were many casualties. Purely was gravely injured in battle and taken to a relief hut for aid. Word spread that Purely's injuries were fatal, the news reaching Lechery in the middle of the night. Wounded himself, Lechery rushed to her side, where he refused to leave despite his calls to battle until she healed or had perished. That night, Lechery was able to return the favor owed to Purely the night she saved his life. The following March, Lechery and Purely wed in the Stormwind Chapel. In August, news spread that Purely was with child. She no longer fought side by side with Lechery, however she was always just outside, ready to embrace him and welcome him home. January, Virtually was born.