| - "So this is a trance..." Alice queried, starring intently at the bewitched reader. The reader, a middle-aged man clothed by in a thick red nightgown and a plush pair of matching slippers, reclined against the red leather chair that he sat in, ignorant the bustling scientists around him. Alice had taken note of the man's loose posture and lack of animation. The man rarely took the time to blink his eye's, and twice, Alice could have sworn that the man had ceased breathing for seconds at a time. The man remained blissfully unaware of the wires that had stretched from his limbs and head, across the room to a large set of apparatus. Suddenly, he turned the page.
| - "So this is a trance..." Alice queried, starring intently at the bewitched reader. The reader, a middle-aged man clothed by in a thick red nightgown and a plush pair of matching slippers, reclined against the red leather chair that he sat in, ignorant the bustling scientists around him. Alice had taken note of the man's loose posture and lack of animation. The man rarely took the time to blink his eye's, and twice, Alice could have sworn that the man had ceased breathing for seconds at a time. The man remained blissfully unaware of the wires that had stretched from his limbs and head, across the room to a large set of apparatus. Suddenly, he turned the page. The scientist beside Alice simply nodded, before pointing to a viewscreen mounted against the wall. "The subject's breathing and heart rate had remained in a stasis for quite some time now, according to our studies... As you can see, however, his mental activity is off of the charts." Now Alice nodded in agreement. "I've seen them in trances before, but never this deep. And his brain activity... it's absolutely haywire. You are aware that human's are normally limited to the use of only ten-percent of their minds. This man's brain activity is more animate at this moment than our's will ever be in our entire lives!" "Don't be so sure, you may just find the perfect story for you one day..." the scientist mussed Alice payed the man little attention, as her gaze was set firmly upon the patient. "How long has he been under?" she asked. The man starred at directly her, relaying a sense of awe. "It's been three days since he last looked away from that book." Alice's eye's widened in disbelief. "Yes Alice, three days! We've been supplying the man with nutrition via tubes, so that he doesn't need to eat. As for the water-" "But that's not what concerns me..." Alice interrupted. "How could one book entrance a man for such a duration of time?" The scientist grinned, urging her to follow him down the corridor. "Well you are aware of how the better that a story imitates real-life, as well vivid details, and advanced literature are major factors in a stories potential, correct? Well this department has been employing some of the worlds greatest literary geniuses to write long, lucid stories here; stories that are never intended to hit the shelves, and are unanimously considered to be as boring as hell..." "Okay. So now that you've figured all of this out, how do you plan to utilize it." Alice queried, in an amused tone. "We haven't decided, yet. Once perfected, however, we can use this method of hypnosis to the nations benefit. Hypnotize... no brainwash, our enemies. Make them delusional. 'Trap them in their own minds. "And this has happened before?" Alice asked. The scientist shrugged. "We'll we've lost a few subjects. One's willing to test the technology enough to risk their sanity. Non have died..." Alice curiously raised one eyebrow. The scientist lowered his head. "They've either awoken with purged memories, or they've went into comas of indefinite measure. None of these subjects have ever seen the light of day since." "So why did you insist that I take this tour, and how do I fit into all of this?" The man replaced his solemn expression with a more anxious one. "Well you had managed to discover this strange phenomena on your own; a secret so well kept that other countries have no idea of it's existence... If it wasn't for us, you would have published a book on your findings for the world to see. A rather stupid idea, but..." Alice lightly punched him on the shoulder. The scientist's grin stretching from ear-to-ear at this point. "The president himself want's to recruit you for a rather dangerous mission. A venture directly into the mind of the enemy."