| - Messenger is a Sci-Fi/Urban Fantasy webcomic following the stories of several different characters which all take place at the same time. The story begins by following Akiara Kenakobe, a teenage girl living as part of a tribal group in post-apocalyptic America, as she leaves her home after the death of her best friend Luke Makaio, who was from a rival tribe. Later, the story follows Eldora and her brother Finnegan, two creatures created by modern science known as Chios, as they are sent out to retrieve a vaccine to help save their people. The storylines for each character overlap gradually, adding clues to unravel the mysteries of the past.
| - Messenger is a Sci-Fi/Urban Fantasy webcomic following the stories of several different characters which all take place at the same time. The story begins by following Akiara Kenakobe, a teenage girl living as part of a tribal group in post-apocalyptic America, as she leaves her home after the death of her best friend Luke Makaio, who was from a rival tribe. Later, the story follows Eldora and her brother Finnegan, two creatures created by modern science known as Chios, as they are sent out to retrieve a vaccine to help save their people. The storylines for each character overlap gradually, adding clues to unravel the mysteries of the past. Characters Include:
* Akiara Kenakobe: A teenage girl from a tribal family group who often has to kill to protect their own.
* Luke Makaio: A member of the Makaio tribe and Akiara's best friend. Before he acquired Near-Death Clairvoyance.
* Zavier Kenakobe: Akiara's cousin, and one of the strongest of the Kenakobe warriors. A Worthy Opponent.
* Eldora: A creature known as a Chio, which is a kind of Half-Human Hybrid, who dreams of becoming a warrior for her village.
* Finnegan: Eldora's younger brother.
* Kyle Nekos: A (dead) teenage guy with a Mysterious Past. Tropes Used Include:
* Our Angels Are Different: Luke and Nekos certainly are.
* Companion Cube: Eldora takes Icy everywhere she goes.
* Proud Warrior Race: The Kenakobe, Makaio, and other warrior tribes determine their honor through battle.
* Unusual Ears: Well, it's certainly not the humans...
* Parental Abandonment: Nekos, Eldora and Finnegan all suffer here.
* Improbable Age: Aki is a 17-year old warrior.
* Lego Genetics: The Chios.
* Find the Cure: Jazlyn sends Eldora on a quest to find the vaccine that will save their people.