| - (two uniformed police officers pull to a stop in urban Philadelphia, one hops out and crosses the street to the coffee shop. the other opens a newspaper and starts to read) DAN GILLESPIE: Hey. None of that vanilla hazelnut crap. Normal coffee, alright? UNIFORMED COP: (as he starts across the street) I already called it in. DAN GILLESPIE: (puts down paper and answers ringing cell phone) Yes, Colonel? RAYMOND GORDON: (over the phone) It's time. Get to 'Suburban Station'. He'll be wearing a black trench coat, carrying a black briefcase. (the police officer hangs-up and speeds away, leaving his abandoned partner standing in the street with two coffee cups) UNIFORMED COP: (calling over the radio to his partner) Gillespie, seriously, for the last time, where are you? Where are you, man? I'm gonna have to report this. Where are you, Gillespie? What are you doing? DAN GILLESPIE: (wandering the transit hub looking for his target, he disconnects his radio and interrupts his partners transmissions. as the public address announce boarding calls, he sees his target walk down from upstairs carrying a black briefcase. he prepares to draw his pistol, approaches the man and demands) Set the briefcase down now. PONYTAIL MAN: What's this about? What did I do? DAN GILLESPIE: (unholstering his pistol) You give me the briefcase now. (nearby electronic displays start to flicker) TRANSIT COP: (approaching the police officer) What's the problem here? DAN GILLESPIE: Got it under control. Give me the case. (taking the briefcase from the courier and walking away) TRANSIT COP: Hey, stop! You can't do that! You can't take that! CITIZEN: (from off-camera) What's the matter? (as Gillespie starts to crystallize before everyone in the terminal) DAN GILLESPIE: Aah! (as he explosively shatters to hundreds of bits)