| - Etamin Draco was a Jedi Knight who joined Revan to fight in the Mandalorian Wars. Like many other Jedi during that war, Etamin gave into the dark side of the force. However, despite giving into the power of the dark side, Draco never actually declared himself a Sith; he just embraced their teachings. After the events of the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War began and once more, Etamin followed Revan. He sought revenge against the Jedi that had sat and did absolutely nothing as the Mandalorians massacred countless innocents. However, with what Etamin considered to be a pathetic overthrow of Revan by Malak for the title of Dark Lord, Etamin turned his back on the Sith Empire. With the death of Darth Malak at the hands of a redeemed Revan, Etamin sough to find Revan in hopes to further his power in the Force. However, Revan disappeared and Etamin was left with the task to find him. Although, as Etamin searched the remains of the Sith Empire was being rebuilt by the Sith Triumvirate. Than came the First Jedi Purge where the Sith Triumvirate was hunting down every Jedi and Force-sensitive not aligned with them. Etamin found himself being continuously pursued by Sith Assassins which greatly slowed down his progress of finding Revan.