| - Of the available maps used by the game, there are certain unique maps which either utilize an artified version of the standard map sets (often with art specific to a particular villain group) or are wholly unique in art and/or design. These maps are often of particular interest in demo editing as they provide for a unique setting or backdrop which stands out from the common map sets. This page provides a listing of screenshots representing these unique or scenic maps, along with associated information which may be useful for demo editing. This includes the following:
* Demo Map Name: This is the file name of the map required to display the map in question using a demo, via the demo Map command.
* CAM POS: This provides the variables, as used by demos, for positioning the demo POV of the screenshot as shown. This is of particular use for creating demos from scratch as it provides a reference point within the map for placing the camera and other entities. Without POS values it can be very difficult to work with a map from scratch as some way to determine the coordinates which lie within the boundaries of the map are required to create a meaningful demo recording. The POS values given are that of the camera as it was placed to create the screenshot shown.
* CAM PYR: Similar to POS entry, this gives the demo PYR variables, as used by a demo, which represent the orientation of the camera corresponding to the screenshot shown.
* Missions: This provides a list of internal links to missions known to utilize the map in question. It is not always simplest to create a demo from scratch, and this information gives the mission where the map is encountered, allowing players to actually run that particular mission for "live" recording.
* Notes: Any other comments, remarks, or items of interest for the map in question are provided here. This is a partial list. Some maps may be represented with more than one screenshot to illustrate different views or art.