| - I started listening/recording the JP show in 1990 and was still recording up until just before the man passed away. Because I was only 16 and still very much into Hip Hop, my first 2-3 tapes were solely Hip Hop mixtapes, then I gradually succumbed to the charms of other music being played on the shows. It really does act like an audio timeline to demonstrate my naive [at times] adolescense, with regards to "finding myself" musically. In 1996 I decided to create two mixtapes for the show, 1 tape for all the guitar-based stuff, and the 2nd tape dealt with all the electronic-based dance music etc. Don't ask me how I came to that decision with a show as eclectic and genre-debasing as JP's, but I soldiered on. This approach continued up until 2002, whereby I went back to lumping all the tracks together in the spirit John would, i'm sure, approve of more. The only discrepancy you may note is that the first file in the list is dated 'Computer Music 1993-1996'. The reason for this is that I decided to go back through my JP tapes from 1993 up until 1996 to cull all the electronic music and put it on one mixtape. The tape was created in 1996, and influenced my decision to start creating a seperate mixtape for the electronic tracks that I liked from each show from 1996 till 2002. This is from 1990 up until 1996 where all genres of music went on the mixtapes. As mentioned above, in 1996 I began putting all electronic music from the shows onto their own 'Computer Music' mixtapes. As above, but these mixtapes were dedicated to putting all the guitar-based Bands on their own specialised mixtape. I had enough of all the hassle of splitting tracks up, so went back to the simplistic approach of lumping them all together again. By this time [2002-2004] I was using a Minidisc deck to record the shows.