| - I want to VFP this idea, but are my chopping skillz up to it? Is the idea up to it? Would it look better w/ or w/o the mouth and eyes? What needs to be fixed? Do I ask too many questions? 01:55, Nov 19 Either the face bits are crooked compared to the bottom of the 'mallow, or the top is crooked, or something is crooked, and he casts a shadow, but his hands don't. That's got me trippin', yo. 05:35, 19 November 2008 (UTC) How's this? 21:08, Nov 22 A little better. It's not really recognizable as Puff Daddy. Have you tried using more of his face? Keep in mind, of course, that I have little to no idea who he is. He's one of those rapping musicians, right? Does he do the hip hopping? 21:14, 22 November 2008 (UTC) Yes, he is. For the pic, I didn't use his face at all--just a token black guy. I didn't think it would matter, as the crux of my joke is making fun of ridiculous rapper names. Anyway, how are you feeling about adding... wait for it... "Bling." Also, that was really fast response time! 21:34, Nov 22 Yeah. I'm being held prisoner in a computer factory. On the plus side, Friday is Hawaiian shirt day. 21:52, 22 November 2008 (UTC) Yes, but what about the image? 21:53, Nov 22 There's an image? Why wasn't I told of this? Outrage! 21:54, 22 November 2008 (UTC) Revolution! Vive la France! Either we must hang together or we shall all hang separately! ... Fo' shizzle! 22:13, Nov 22 Canada's example is better. Wait until Britain is distracted by how Great it is, then ask politely. 22:27, 22 November 2008 (UTC) All right. I'll nom this and see how it does. If it gets featured, great; if not, I'll just curl into a ball and die. 16:08, Nov 24