| - Please leave this page in place for future content and Steamification BrentNewland (talk) 08:02, December 13, 2013 (UTC)
- The Crasher is a level 1 missile Kbot that provides basic defence against enemy Aircraft, and is relatively quick to build, but on the downside, does little damage to land-based units and has a low fire rate. The ARM counterpart to the Crasher is the Jethro.
- [Source] Crasher était un sergent clone veillant sur la Brigade de la Jeunesse Clone durant la Guerre des Clones. En 21 ABY, il emmena cette brigade visiter le Destroyer Stellaire de classe Venator nommé l'Endurance, sous les ordres du général Jedi Mace Windu. Boba Fett avait infiltré ce groupe pour avoir sa vengeance sur Windu, ayant tué son père. Il fit par la suite exploser le vaisseau, obligeant le sergent et les cadets clones à se réfugier dans une capsule de sauvetage.
- Crasher was a clone trooper sergeant of the Clone Youth Brigade.
- The female Crasher was one of Cy-Kill's most loyal Renegades, despite a having somewhat manic personality. One of her favored pastimes is participating in demolition derbies. Under interrogation, she admitted to having a crush on Leader-1 before the Guardians and Renegades began their struggle. Unlike most Gobots, she rarely seems to use her hand-mounted blasters, instead using a trademark attack wherein she stamps her foot on the ground to create a powerful earthquake-style energy discharge that could track its victim in much the same manner as a heat-seeking missile. Crasher's seeming state of near-madness effectively renders her fearless, and she has an ongoing grudge with the Guardian Turbo, rarely avoiding a chance to battle him. However, she tends to take any defeat or challenge very