Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a 1985 Japanese science fiction anime television series created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino and produced by Nagoya Broadcasting Network, Sotsu Agency, and Sunrise. Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is the sequel to the 1979 Japanese science fiction series Mobile Suit Gundam. The series premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on March 2, 1985 and spanned 50 episodes to February 22, 1986. The English adaptation was released direct to DVD in the United States.
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| - List of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam episodes
| - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a 1985 Japanese science fiction anime television series created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino and produced by Nagoya Broadcasting Network, Sotsu Agency, and Sunrise. Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is the sequel to the 1979 Japanese science fiction series Mobile Suit Gundam. The series premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on March 2, 1985 and spanned 50 episodes to February 22, 1986. The English adaptation was released direct to DVD in the United States.
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| - Kohan
- Hangeki
- Saikai
- Chichi to Ko to...
- Tabidachi
- Zedan no Mon
- Taikiken Totsunyū
- Akushizu kara no Shisha
- Amuro Futatabi
- Atarashii Kizuna
- Chikyūken e
- Dakāru no Hi
- Eien no Fō
- Ema no Dassō
- Guripusu Shidō
- Hamān no Chōshō
- Hon Kon Shiti
- Hāfu Mūn Rabu
- Inochi Chitte
- Jaburō no Kaze
- Jerido Tokkō
- Jion no Bōrei
- Jupitorisu Sennyū
- Kapuseru no Naka
- Katsu no Shutsugeki
- Kirimanjaro no Arashi
- Koronī ga Ochiru Hi
- Mezame
- Mūn Atakku
- Nazo no Mobiru Sūtsu
- Rekoa no Kehai
- Rozamia no Naka de
- Saido Tsū no Kiki
- Saido Wan no Dasshutsu
- Sayonara Rozamī
- Shaa no Kikan
- Shakunetsu no Dasshutsu
- Shatoru Hasshin
- Shinderera Fō
- Shiroi Yami o Nukete
- Shirokko Tatsu
- Shirokko no Me
- Sora ga Yobu Koe
- Sora no Uzu
- Sora o Kakeru
- Ten kara Kuru Mono
- Torawareta Mirai
- Tsuki no Uragawa
- Zēta no Kodō
| - Kunihisa Sugishima
- Toshifumi Kawase
- Yasuhiro Imagawa
- Hiroyuki Yokoyama
- Jun Hirabayashi
- Osamu Sekita
- Hiroyuki Yokohama
- Takaō Motohashi
- Tsumakata Jinshi
| - 1985-03-09(xsd:date)
- 1985-03-16(xsd:date)
- 1985-03-23(xsd:date)
- 1985-03-30(xsd:date)
- 1985-04-06(xsd:date)
- 1985-04-13(xsd:date)
- 1985-04-20(xsd:date)
- 1985-04-27(xsd:date)
- 1985-05-04(xsd:date)
- 1985-05-11(xsd:date)
- 1985-05-25(xsd:date)
- 1985-06-01(xsd:date)
- 1985-06-08(xsd:date)
- 1985-06-15(xsd:date)
- 1985-06-22(xsd:date)
- 1985-06-29(xsd:date)
- 1985-07-06(xsd:date)
- 1985-07-13(xsd:date)
- 1985-07-20(xsd:date)
- 1985-07-27(xsd:date)
- 1985-08-03(xsd:date)
- 1985-08-10(xsd:date)
- 1985-08-17(xsd:date)
- 1985-08-24(xsd:date)
- 1985-08-31(xsd:date)
- 1985-09-07(xsd:date)
- 1985-09-14(xsd:date)
- 1985-09-21(xsd:date)
- 1985-09-28(xsd:date)
- 1985-10-05(xsd:date)
- 1985-10-12(xsd:date)
- 1985-10-19(xsd:date)
- 1985-10-26(xsd:date)
- 1985-11-02(xsd:date)