| - Titania is one of six children (five humans and one rock creature) who blamed the Legion of Super-Heroes for the death of their homeworld. The planet had been colonized by humans from the United Planets (UP) and named Korlon. But the colonists soon discovered that Korlon was already inhabited by a native race of sentient silicon-based beings. These rock beings called their world Dryad. Once the Dryads determined that the human colonists were peaceful, they revealed themselves, and the humans and Dryads formed a harmonious joint society. But that society was doomed. Dryad began to experience cataclysmic upheavals, and it became clear that the destruction of the planet was imminent. The colonists appealed for aid to the United Planets, which sent emergency ships and personnel. The planet was successfully evacuated, thanks in large part to a team of Legionnaires who assisted (Superboy, Phantom Girl, Colossal Boy, Ultra Boy, Light Lass and Timber Wolf). But Titania and several other children were too young to understand what happened and were badly traumatized by the death of their world. Their young minds absorbed the terror of evacuation, horrific scenes of the destruction of the planet, and the prominence of six colorfully garbed figures ordering them to leave their homes. Titania and the others became fixated on those six Legionnaires, blaming them for the destruction of Dryad and developing a pathological hatred of them.