| - So I'm usually not surprised when he has a rush of energy and, like Ernest Hemingway, makes a snap decision in the direction of adventure. I remember the phone call like it was yesterday (it was last Friday, around noon). Dad called me at my gallery, Manilow's. "Manny," he said, "we're going to Vegas. Yes, Las Vegas, right now. While the sun is still shining. I want to see the sun on lots of windows. To see it light them up, like little suns."
| - So I'm usually not surprised when he has a rush of energy and, like Ernest Hemingway, makes a snap decision in the direction of adventure. I remember the phone call like it was yesterday (it was last Friday, around noon). Dad called me at my gallery, Manilow's. "Manny," he said, "we're going to Vegas. Yes, Las Vegas, right now. While the sun is still shining. I want to see the sun on lots of windows. To see it light them up, like little suns." For years I've been trying to get Dad to Vegas for a father-son playdate. I'd been several times, and knew what fun it was and how much Dad would enjoy it. But he always had an excuse at the ready. He had a business meeting, or he and his buddies were going to the game, or he was dating yet another neighbor woman who was angling to be his "one for the thumb" - although it usually ended up the other way around. Dad's best excuse was that he had to sit around and watch the grass grow. I thought that one was pretty lame until I went by the old house and found that he had set up a grow room. Dad had already gotten us plane tickets and booked a suite at the Luxor. So, shaking my head at the lunacy, I rushed home to pack a bag and asked a neighbor boy to pick up the Kansas City Star from my front porch. Even though I live in Madison, Wisconsin, Dad insists that I keep a subscription to the Star - "News from afar travels like smoke," he'd say, "mists of printer's ink populated by thousand-yard stares." I then drove to Chicago to meet him, and got there just about the time we were to board. I hadn't seen dad in several months, and he looked good, "like an owl lean on fast rodents" - one of his favorites. He looked me over, like he does when we've been separated for awhile. He nodded his approval, gave me a bear hug, and then we were off.